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Journal of Suzhou Railway Teachers College(Social
2006 Issue 3
wei tuo dai li li lun de lun li kao liang
pang yong hong
Dialectics of "How Tao Generates Te" In Guanzi
xu jian-liang (southeast university; nanjing 210096; china)
dui jie hai wai di chan ji jin de ping tai jian she
lan yi ; sheng cheng zuo ; zhang jian kun
fan kong he zuo yu mei ni ( bo er ) guan xi
wang yan fen
Dynamic Mechanics of Farmers' Migration in Southern Jiangsu Province of Republic of China
chi zi-hua(research centre of urbanization of the chinese countryside; soochow university; suzhou 215021)
Chinese Traditional Charity Culture and the Construction of Harmonious Society
wang wei-ping; huang hong-shan(school of sociology; soochow university; suzhou 215021)
shi jie mo ri zhi zhan de qi yu xing
zhang jin ling
dong han bei ke ci yu kao shi
liu zhi sheng
On the Symbolist Element of Tagore's Novels and Dramas
wang yan(chinese dept.; suzhou university of science and technology; suzhou 215009)
bao xian tou zi de guo ji bi jiao ji qi dui wo guo de qi shi
xiong fei ; qiao gui ming
On the Impact of Patriarchal Culture upon Modern Advertising
wang yue(dept.of fine arts; suzhou university of science and technology; suzhou 215009)
wei ji guan li de min zhong ji neng
zhang wei ping
The Reasons for Marx's Abandonment of His Former Hypothesis of "Furcae Caudiane" in His Late Years
gan jian-min(education dept.; suzhou university of science and technology; suzhou 215009)
ba rong ba chi de zheng zhi jie du
sun hong jun
On the Relationship between Hinduism and Indian Literature
peng duan-zhi(school of literature; central china university; wuhan 20000)
"Japanese Bridge" and Chinese Literary Thoughts
lu tie-peng(school of language and culture for international students; people s university of china; beijing 20000)
On the Thought of Denis Goulet's Development Ethics
jiang zuo-jun~1; liu kun~2(1.school of the social sciences; soochow university; suzhou 215021; 2.school of politics and public administration; soochow university; suzhou 215123)
zhu zuo hua de sheng diao yu lian du bian diao
meng shou jie
tan xi kuang ren ma yi ta zhong de xu shi ren
liang li ying
da xue sheng xue ye dao de chu tan
kang hua chun