Three-Dimensional Viscous Numerical Simulationof End-Wall Flow of Axial Flow Pump
chen ci-chang~1; yang chang-ming~2; wang jin-nuo~3; song wen-wu~4; ji quan-kai~4(1.the presidents office of xihua university; 2.dept. of mechanical engineering and automebile of xihua university; chengdu 610039; 3.mechanical engineering lnstitute; southwest jiaotong university; chengdu 610031; 4.energy and environment department; xihua universily; chengdu 610039 sichuan china)
The great developing of west china and property invest fund
liu ze-ren~1; zhu jiang~2 ; pan chuen-yue~3(1.xihua univergity; chengdu 610039 sichuan china; 2.economy management college of west-south comunication university; chengdu 610039 sichuan china; 3.the chemistry college of zigong; 643000 sichuan china)
A Verifiable Multiple Secrets Sharing Scheme
he mng-xing~(1); fan ping-zhi~2; yuan ding~2(1.southwest jiaotong university; chengdu 610031; 2.dept. of computer science and engineering of xihua university; chengdu 610039 sichuan china)