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Progress in Biotechnology
2001 Issue 1
Nitric oxide functions as a signal in plant disease resistance
yu wan\|cong\ li run\|zhi\+* (center for agricultural biotechnology; shanxi agricultural university taigu\ 030801)
The chimeric bcr/abl gene and molecular mechanism of leukemia
han jinxiang (shandong centre of medicinal biotechnology; jinan\ 250062; china)
kang shuai bao jian de he suan shi pin de kai fa li yong
liu run zhi
tRNA-mediated protein engineering(TRAMPE)
chen li\ jin you\|xin\ wang de\|bao (shanghai institute of biochemistry; state key laboratory of molecular biology; chinese academy of sciences; shanghai\ 200031)
ren mian yi que xian bing du (hiv) yu tang ji hua
zhang shu zheng
Advance on the Studies of Biodegradation of Aromatic compounds
sun yan\ qian shijun (institute of microbiology; academia sinica; beijing\ 100080)
Application of Genomics Approaches to Study of Plant Tolerance to Environmental Stresses
he chao\|ying chen shou\|yi\+* (plant biotechnology laboratory; institute of genetics; chinese academy of sciences; beijing\ 100101)
Development and application of yeast hybrid system
liu weifeng\ qin yujing\ gao dong (national laboratory of microbial technology; shandong university; jinan\ 250100)
Study of Requirements for Quality Control of hCGRP Liposome
zhang yi\ wang jun zhi\ rao chun ming (national insitute for the control of pharmaceutical and biological products\ beijing\ 100050)
sheng wu ji shu chan ye 21 shi ji xin de jing ji zeng chang dian
guo jun ; wang yan
The advance in the research on amplifying Unknown DNA sequence
wang jingxue\ sun yi (agri.biotechnology center of shanxi.taiyuan.030031) liang aihua (biotechnology research center; shanxi university.030006)
Introduction of the major yeast expression systems and their applications in antibody-engineering
zhang minsheng wu geng zhong xiaoli huang hualiang
Transglutaminase—A Review of its Physical and Chemical Properties Production and Application in Food Processing
zheng mei\|ying\ cheng jian\ lun shi\|yi (lab.of environmental biotechnology; school of biotechnology; wuxi university of light industry wuxi\ 214036)
Transgenic Researches of Important Cereal Species
xu zi qin (department of biology; northwest university; xian\ 710069)
Study on Analysing Methods of Low Molecular Peptides with SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
shi ji\|hong\ zhao yong\|tong\ zhang ying\|qi\ yan zheng\ han wei\ wang jun\|lou (biotechnology centre; fourth military medical university xi an\ 710032)
Advances in the Production of Flavonoids by Plant Cell Cultures
xing jianmin\+*\ zhao dexiu ** \ li maoyin ** \ ye hechun ** \ li guofeng ** \ li zuohu\+* (*state key laboratory of biochemical engineering; institute of chemical met al.lurgy; academia sinica; beijing\ 100080) (**institute of botany; acade
zhan wang 21 shi ji de sheng wu ji shu
zhu li huang