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Journal of Shandong Institute of Building Material
1999 Issue 2
Briefly Deduced of Polanyi Adsorption Potential Theroy
liu bao an; dong yunhui; liu xiaofang (department of material engineering; zibo institute; zibo 255200 china)
Limit and Breakthrough-The Design Trait of Saint Churches in Korea
li yunlan(department of architectural engineering; sibm; jinan; 250022 ; china)
Redress Process for Inputting Station Parameter's Error in Digital Maping
zhang dafu; yao jili (department of architural engineering zibo college; zibo shangdong; 255200 chian)
The Research of Motion Path for Steel-ball on Inclined Partition Board
chen yongxiang (department of mechanical engineering; south-west engineering; mian yang university of 621002; china)
gun dong zhou cheng zai he fen xi
liu yu lan ; sun lan tao
Optimization Principles for the Problem of Severing a Workpiece
liu jinguo; li ruxiu (shandong institute of building materials; jinan 250022 department of basic courses; sibm; jiana 250022)
Study on Application of Flocculant CPMA in Sludge Dewatering
lun ning; wang xindong; li yujiang (department of chemical engineering; shandong university of technology; jinan 250061; china)
Eumlsion Copolymerization of Methyl Acrylate and Vinyl Acetate Using Cationic Surfctant as Emulsifier and Study of Copolymer LatexMontmorillonites Nanocoposites
gu yaol; zhang shuxiang; zhang ning; guo wenlel (department of applied chemistry; department of material and engineering; sibm; jinan 250022)
Extraction Equilibria of Zinc(Ⅱ)with Tributylphosohate and Study of FT-IR
bao meng; xing xiangping; zheng zhenwei; sun guoxin; chen sheng (department of applied chemistry; sibm; jinan 250022; china)
Efficiency Practical Analysis of Economic Growth of Region Bunding Materials Industry in Our Country
miao li an; han jingxuan (department of basic courses ; department of business administration; sibm; jinan 250022; china )
Research on Measuring of Polyester Chip's Intrinsic Viscosity Relationship Under Two Solvent Systems
huang shaode; xing xiangping; wang ruihua; guan ruifeng; gu yong(quality inspection department of jinan chemical fiber corporation; jinan 250100; jinan institute of building materials jinan; 250002; huaxing chemical enginering corporation; jinan 250012; china)
xue bao wen gao zhong chang jian wen ti bian xi ( )
liu zuo ; xu wei ; hu jian fei
Design and Implementation of a New Alternative Voltage Converter
wang xinjiang (department of information and control engineering; sibm; jinan 250022 )
Deduction and Verification of New Formula on Electric Field Energy
lu guanghua; zhu luqun (college of electric power engineering; shandong university of technology; jinan 250061; china)
Experiment System of Controt DC Servomotor Rotational Speed Using Microcontroller
zhu huiming; zhang ai-wu; gao hongxia ( department of computer engineering ; college of electrical power engineering; shandong university of technology; jinan 250061 china)
Improved Nearest Neighbor Clustering Algorithm
zhau jian; sui ziyang; wang xuexiang (power plant of longkou; 256700 longkon; shandong; china)
Study on Long Term Stability of Rubidium Atom Frenquency Standard
wang yutai; nle shizhong; wang yuru (department of information and control engineering; sibm; jinan 250022; deprtment of physics; university of petroleum; dongving 257062)
du zhe zuo zhe bian zhe
Measure Ment and Calculation of Areas in Line Shape Ground Object in Land Manage
duan qiqing; xi zhifang (department of civil engineering; sibm; jinan 250022; china)
Analysis of the Acceleration on Point S of Prosthetic Manipudator
guan duoyou (department of mechanical and electronic engineering sibm; jinan chian 250022)
Deformation Observation of Building Incline Caused by Uneven Subside
guo fenglun (department of civil engineering zibo institute; zibo; 255200; china)
Comprehensive Evaluation Method on Economic Growth Quqlity of Chin Building Marerials Industry
wang li; zhang bingfa; han jingxuan (department of mba; sibm; jinan 250022; china)
Stability of A Class of No Nonlinear Volterra Integrodifferential Equations
song wenqing (department shandong hydraulic engineer college; taian 271000)
Optimization of Gypsum in High Performance Cementitious Material
lian huizhen; ruan qingge; li yulin (department of civil engineering; tsinghua university; beijing 100084; beijing housing construetion group; beijing 100026; china)
Energy Measurement of Motor Ignition System
wang yurul; wang yutai; li juefa (department of information and control engineering; computation centre; sibm; jinan; 250022; china)
Investigation of A Special Type Stone Powder─SSM-I
yang guangjie; ren changyun (department of achitectural engineering; zibo college; zibo 255200; china)
An Auxiliary Function Algorithm for Multiple Extreme Global Optimization
li bo; zhou qin; zhai yanfu( department of basic courses; sibm; jinan 250022; china; department of mechanic& electric engineering of shandong institute of light industry; jinan 250100; chian)
Pediction Model of Temperature Processing of Clinker in Rotary Kiln by Using Image Series
li cong; zhang ruifang; sui zigang (department of information and control engineering; sibm; jinan; 250022; shandong insitute of buiding material research and design; jinan; 250022; power plant of longkou; longkou; 265700)
Research on Cylindrical Threeturn Advertising Machine
li changchun; wang yanjun; zhang jingchun (department of mechanical and electronic engineering; sibm; jinan 250022; china)
Study on Microstructure of Coldwelding Metal on 9Cr_2Mo Roll
zhang yuanbin; ren dengyi (dapartment material science and engineering; siae jinan; 250014; college of materialsscience and engineering; shangdong university of technologgy; jinan 250061 china)
deng ju you li bi jin kuai su suan fa
li huai gu ; wang ai guo ; wang qing hua
On Changing Law of Hydrate Phase Structure of Cement Expansive Agents
zhang ning; ding zhu (department of material science and engineering; sibm; jinan; 250022 china)