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Journal of Sanming College
2002 Issue 3
Cultural Differences and Pragmatics Study of Politeness
huang jing qi (english department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
Using Modern Technique for Education to Improve the Quality Education of College English
zhou fei fang (basic courses section; saming college; sanming 365004; china)
Yuan Shi-kai and the Abolition of Imperial Examination at the End of Qing Dynasty
liao ting jian (history dept.fujian normal university; fuzhou 350007; china)
The Taiwanese Talented Person's Policy Enlighten to What Human Resource Develop in Fujian
zhang tui zhi (department of industry and business management; huaqiao university; quanzhou 362011; china)
Brief Analysis on the Misregion of College Students Ideology at Shift Period
zeng xiang tian; yan wan ting (1.mr zeng; sanming college; sanming 365004 2.ms yan; no six middle school; sanming 365009; china)
A Talk on Importance of the Context and Culture in Language Teaching
jiang xiao zhong (english department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
Discussion on the Influence of Teacher's Character Trait on the Establishment and Development of Fine Teacher-student Relationship
shao yun ran (zhangzhou education institute; zhangzhou 363000; china)
Points to Ponder on Information Service at University Libraries
yang you rui (library of sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
An Analysis on the Challenge and Strategy of Anti-corruption after Joining WTO
qin wei (commission for discipline inspection of the cpc; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
How to Achieve the Aesthetic Value of Literature
fang jun fei (chinese department; putian college; putin 351100; china)
Chronicle of Watching Officials in West Capital of Song Dynasty
li zhi liang (research institute of ancient books; zhengzhou university; zhengzhou 450052; china)
The Feasibility on the Comparison of Intercultural Nonverbal Communication and its Psychogical Basis
yu ke yin (foreign languages dept; south china normal university; guangzhou 510631; china)
Prepositions of the Dialect of Gaizhu,Shaxian County ——the Prepositional Usage of Dialects in Yong an City and Shaxian County
deng xiang zhang (chinese department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
On Ideological and Political Work of Undergraduate
xie song ming (personnel office; sanming collage; sanming 365004; china)
A Brief Account on Classroom Research and ITs Methods
zhang jin pei (english department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
A Brief Discussion on the Factors Contributing to the Foreign Language Teaching
jiang yong yuan (elementary education dept.sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
On the Application of Double Pedagogy to College English Teaching
liao fu cai (english department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
On the Gaps between Chinas Market System and WTO Requirement and Policy Options for Narrowing the Gaps
zhou mei hua (xiamen school of industry; xiamen 361006; china)
Information Dissymmetry & Control of Accounting Data Quality
li qing shui (department of economics; sanming collge; sanming 365004; china)
On Barrier and Measures of Improving China Economy
peng lin 1chen duan ji 2 (1.economics dept.jiaying university; meizhou 514015; china 2.economics institute of xiamen uniuersity; xiamen 361005; chaina)
Reflections on the Strategies of Price Competion of Enterprises
zuan pei zhang (dept.of international economics; huaqiao university; quanzhou 362011; china)
A Discussion of Interpersonal Association for College Students
zhong yan (youth league commitee; sanming college; sanming; 365004; china)
Adolescent Sex Education and Strategies
zheng you-zhu (elementary education department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
On the Rhetoric of Describing Foods
li xiu ming (chinese department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
An Analysis on the Propogating Skills of the Language in Wangshuo's Writings
zeng dao rong (dept.of elementary education; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
A Brief Account on the Psychological Features of College Students
zhang bao rong (instiute of higher education; xiamen university; xiamen 361005; china)
The Cultivation of Students Creating Ideas in the Music Education
wu rong-sheng (elementary education department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
Changing Dualism(Eastern &Western)into Pluralism
wu bi ling (department of arts.sanming college; sanming; 365004; china)
Liu Ke-zhuang's Bold and Unconstrained Words and Its Relationship with Putian Tradition Culture
chen wen zhen (chinese department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
Overview of Interlanguage in SLA
yang qi (sanming no.1 middle school; sanming 365001; china)
The Character of Fujian Dialect Type Tone and Method of Correct Common Spoken Chinese Tone
zheng qiao ying (chinese department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
On the Role of Artistic Imagination in Literary and Artistic Creation
lin jian ping (chinese department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
A Brief Discussion on the Importance of the Basis of Fine Art in Computer Design
du ji hai (department of fine arts; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
The Image of an Impoverished Intellectual
yu ke qiang (department of chinese; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)
Mother,the Living Image of Female
he jin mei (chinese department; sanming college; sanming 365004; china)