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Journal of Qingdao Institute of Architecture and E
2006 Issue 5
Common problem effects to the calculation of soil pressure in practice
yang chun-yan~(1); sun wei-dong~2; kan wei-guo~3; shi wei~(1)(1.school of civil engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033; 2.office of qingdao municipal committee; cpc; qingdao 266071; 3.rizhao city corporation; rizhao 276800)
Brief talk about the problems and countermeasures of the city multiple development
zhan xu-ren; liu jin-hai(jiaozhou city planning and designation; reconnaissance; research department; qingdao 266300)
New approach for calculation of bending problem of thin plate
zhang wei-xing(school of civil engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Reliability analysis of heating system
peng dong-gen; dong hua; jia ying(school of environmental and municipal engineering; qingdao technology university; qingdao 266033)
Environment design respecting the site characters——An example of environment design pracfice
yu dong-ming~(1); zang de-kui~(1); su cheng~(2)(1.department of landscape architecture; shandong agricultural university; tai an 271018; 2.tai an urban planning bureau; tai an 271000)
Brief discussion on the construction of Central Business District(CBD) in Qingdao
li yan-wei~(1); sun rong~(2); li bing-ying~(3); liu shu-mei~(4)(1.shandong dawei international architecture design co.; ltd; ji nan 250002; 2.planning administration department of pingdu; pingdu 266700; 3.school of architecture; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033; 4.shandong academy of environmental science; ji nan 250013)
Existence of solutions for a class of algebraic systems
zhang guang(school of science; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Research of temporary power supply on construction site
sun bang-jun; fu jian-ren; tao shu-gang(qingdao construction group corporation; qingdao 266071)
Quantum fluctuations of charge and current in RLC circuit
wang zhong-chen~(1); guo zheng-ping~(2)(1.school of science; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266520; 2.science and engineering; yanbian univcrsity; yanji 133002)
Some keys of construction of hyperbolic cooling tower
bing zhao-lei; zheng shu-lian; qiu tong; zhou hong-bao(china international construction corporation; qingdao branch; qingdao 266000)
Research on reinforced concrete materials after high temperature
wang jian; hu hai-tao(school of civil engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Discussion on project insurance
ren chun-mei~(1); wang fa-du~(2); zhang jun~(3)(1.qingdao bidding center for engineering construction; qingdao; 266071; 2.qingdao jiaozhou construction group; qingdao 266300; 3.shandong dongcheng construction consultation co.; ltd; qingdao 266071)
Discussion to the application of pipeline utility-tunnel in Qingdao
meng guang-ming; wang wei(qingdao urban planning & design research institute; qingdao 266071)
Prop-up protection technology in second stage of rock body deep base hole of some hotel in Qingdao
wei guo~(1); lin ai-guo~(2); li hai-bo~(1)(1.qingdao transportation machinery construction ltd.co.; qingdao 266042; 2.qingdao construction group company; qingdao 266071)
Study on deodorization of municipal solid wastes by a composite biofilter
yu guang-hui; xu xiao-jun; jia jia; xu hua-cheng(school of environmental and civil engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Wastewater treatment engineering in graphite products
chen jing-guang~1; zhao wei~2; zhang jun~3(1.qingdao haian biotechnology & environmental protection co.ltd; qingdao 266012; 2.qingdao licang environmental monitoring pepartment; qingdao 266042; 3.qingdao architectural designing research institute; qingdao 266003)
Synergetic damage mechanics of concrete compression members
wei jin-bo~(1); yu guang-ming~(1); duan xin~(2)(1.school of civil engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033; 2.shengli engineering and consulting co.ltd; dongying 257061)
Conceptional analysis on strategic planning of Qingdao
xu ke-feng~(1; 2); wang dong-sheng ~(2) (1.shool of architecture; tianjin university; tianjin 300072; 2.school of architecture; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Construction of probability model and its way of thinking
chen hua~(1); xi min~(2)(1.changzhou campus of hohai university; changzhou 213022; 2.changzhou institute of mechatronic technology; changzhou 213016)
Calculation of three quantitative indexes in stock price model
zhang pei-yi (school of science of mathematics; qingdao university; qingdao 266071)
Boundary element-free method for calculation of electromagnetic field
zhang min-xia; sun li-feng(school of computer engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Design and construction of space hyperbola rinse concrete wall
zhu guang-jun; yuan yong-lin; bing qi-wu(qingdao construction group; qingdao 266071)
Cultural square design introducing the conception of Chinese landscape paintings——An example of Tonghe cultural square in Pingdu
li chao; li bing-ying (school of architecture; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Assessment of calculating methods of subsoil deformation
men kai(qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Preliminary study on the GIS database system in geo-environment assessment
gao xiao-jun; wang zhen; he ke-qiang(school of civil engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Study of building arts of Badaguan of Qingdao
chen yi-cheng; wang fu-yun(school of arts; qindao technological university; qindao 266033)
Effects of sodium ion on the concentrations of aqueous total sulfur and calcium ion in wet calcium FGD process
sun wen-shou~(1); tan tian-en~(2)(1.department of environmental engineering; qingdao university; qingdao 266071; 2.department of chemical and biochemical engineering; zhejiang university; hangzhou 310027)
Method based on neural network in predicting the track of maneuvering target
ma guo-bing; zhang nan(school of computer engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Numerical analysis of the supports of soft rock excavation
wang jian-xin; wang zai-quan; zhang li-ming; yin ying(school of civil engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Exploration to energy conservation of water-loop heat pump operation
zhang chang-xing; liu guo-dan(school of environmental and municipal engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Analysis of three Japanese architects——Winners of the Pritzker Architecture Prize
wang run-sheng~(1); fan guo-hui~(1); guan ai-hong~(2)(1.school of architecture; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033; 2.qingdao eastrong architecture design co.; ltd; qingdao 266071)
Ideal of three-dimensional network based on urban expressing system and traffic railway in Qingdao
zhang xiao-hong~(1); yu han-sen~(2); guo shi-yong~(3)(1.school of humanism and social science; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033; 2.public traffic group ltd; qingdao; qingdao 266021; 3.school of automobile and traffic; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033)
Design and construction analysis of a semi-tensegrity
yuan fang; zhang rui-hua(civil engineering department; tianjin university; tianjin 300072)
Study on the hospital environment planning and design
han xin-ying; yu dong-ming; zhang juan(department of landscape architecture; shandong agricultural university; tai an 271018)
Study on the park planning and information management system with GIS
zou xu-dong~(1); sun zhen~(2); zhang hong-hai~(1); wang feng-yuan~(1); sun gang~(1)(1.its institute; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033; 2.management school; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003)
Detecting methods of particulate matters in water by coagulation/filtration/ultrafiltration process
sun li-hua~(1); lv mou~(1); li gui-bai~(2)(1.school of environmental and municipal engineering; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033; 2.school of municipal and environmental engineering; harbin institute of technology; harbin 150090)