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Journal of Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technolog
2001 Issue 2
Agriculture Restructuring-Horizons,Goals,and Macro-Adjustments
guo jian xiong 1; liu li xia 2 (1.economy and trade college; qingdao institute of chemical technology; qingdao 266042; china; 2.social science department; shandong college of politics and law administrative cadres; jinan 250014; china)[
Keju and Self-Study Examination:from Comparison to Reference
zheng ruo ling (institute of higher education science; xiamen university; xiamen 361005; china) [
On the Historical Origin,Basic Feature and Future Trend of Post modernism
chen yan qing (philosophy research institute; liaocheng normal university; liaocheng 252000; china)[
The Fifth Generation Market Socialists' Resolution to the Problem of Trust-Agency
liu ming he ( department of marxism leninism study; taian teachers college; taian 271000; china)[
On the Necessity of Establishing a Flexible RMB Exchange Rate Mechanism
cai su wen(college of economy and trade; qingdao institute of chemical technology; qingdao 266042; china)[
Character of a University
xie ming (the instiute of higher education sciece; central south university; changsha 410083; china) [
Discussion on Technology Elements Participaticng in Distribution
li tao (administration college; xi an unirersity of communication; xi an 710049; china)[
Chinese Private Enterprises Should be Regularly Managed
liu yun ping; bi li hua (economy and trade college; qingdao institute of chemical technology; qingdao 266042; china) [
The Characteristic of UK Teacher Education and the Apocalypse on China
duan yan xia (institute of higher education science; xiamen university; xiamen 361005; china) [
Outreach“Original Communism” —Learn and Research on Marx's 1844'Economics-Philosophy
jin shun yao ; shu zhi ding (philosophy department; fundan university; shanghai 200433; china)[
Method of Education Review and Some Related Issues
liu yao (insitute of education; zhejiang normal university; jinhua 321004; china)[
Discussion on Perfection of Judicial Supervision of Arbitrational Adjudications
chai fang sheng (law department; qingdao communist committee school; qingdao 266071; china) [
Conflicts and Settlement of Law between Trademark Authority and Trade Name Authority
qu tian ming (college of economy and trade; qingdao institute of chemical technology; qingdao 266042 ; china) [
Education should Lay Stress on Man
wang ji sheng (higher education research center of chinese education committee; beijing 100088; china) [
The Communist Party of China Should Represent Advanced Cultural Direction
zhu tong wei (department of publicity; qingdao institute of chemical tecnology; qingdao 266042; china) [
Brief Discussion on the Culture of Calabash
sun ke cheng 1; ren yuan jun 2 (1.liabrary; qingdao institute of chemical technology; qingdao 266042; china; 2.editorial department; qingdao institute of chemical technology; qingdao 266042; china)[
Probe on Approaches to the Evaluation of Enterprises' Overall Assets
tang yan li (cost and consult center; qingdao branch of chinese construction bank; qingdao 266001; china) [