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Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
2009 Issue 4
The Survey on the Community of Benthic Marine Macroalgae
yang zhen; wang you; dong kai-sheng; tang xue-xi; zhao xing(college of marine life science; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china)
wu de xing
The Forms and Distribution of Phosphorus in North Yellow Sea in Summer 2006
zhang ting1; mi tie-zhu2; shi xiao-yong1; zhu chen-jian1(1.college of chemistry and chemical engineering; 2.college of enviromental science and engineering; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
The Spatial-Temporal Distributional Characteristics of Meiobenthic Abundance and Biomass in the Northern Yellow Sea
chen hai-yan; zhou hong; mu fang-hong; yang shi-chao(college of marine life science; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china)
Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Soft Coral Sinularia sp. from the South China Sea
wang chang-yun1; liu hai-yan1; sun xue-ping1; li xiu-bao2; sun ling-ling1; liu xin1; shao chang-lun1; guan hua-shi1(1.key laboratory of marine drugs; ministry of education; school of medicine and pharmacy; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.south china sea institute of oceanology; chinese academy of sciences; guangzhou 510000; china)
Dissolved Inorganic Nutrient Distribution of Shandong Coast
zhao xia; tan li-ju; wang jiang-tao; cao jing(key laboratory of marine chemistry theory and technology; ministry of education; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
A Preliminary Study on the Bacterial Diversity in Surface Sediments from the Coastal Water of Qingdao and Weihai in Summer and Winter
xiao hui1; zhang yan1; zhang zhe2; zhu lin1; you cai1; tang xue-xi1(1.college of marine life science; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.department of mariculture ecology and carrying capacity; yellows sea fisheries research institute; qingdao 266071; china)
Investigation on the Status of Coral Reef Resources and Medicinal Research in China Ⅲ. Status of Folk Medicinal Usage and Medicinal Research
shao chang-lun1; fu xiu-mei1; 2; wang chang-yun1; han lei1; liu xin1; fang yu-chun1; li guo-qiang1; zeng xiao-qi3; liu guang-xing4; guan hua-shi1(ocean university of china 1.key laboratory of marine drugs; ministry of education; school of medicine and pharmacy; 2.college of economics; 3.college of fisheries; 4.college of environmental science and engineering; qingdao 266100; china)
Spatiotemporal Changes of Main Chemical Pollutants for the Last Thirty Years in the Jiaozhou Bay
qian guo-dong1; 2; han hong-yan3; liu jing4; liang sheng-kang1; 2; shi xiao-yong1; 2; wang xiu-lin1; 2(1.college of chemistry & chemical engineering; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.key lab of marine pollution eco-chemistry; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china; 3.qingdao environment protection ageney; qingdao 266003; chian; 4.qingdao environmental monitoring central station; qingdao 266003; china)
The Horizontal Distribution of Biogenic Elements in Spring and Autumn of North Yellow Sea
wen ting-ting; zhang chuan-song; wang li-sha; shi xiao-yong(college of chemistry and chemical engineering; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
Biogenic Emission of Dimethylsulfide(DMS) from the North Yellow Sea and Its Contribution to Non-Sea-Salt Sulfate in Aerosol
zhang hong-hai; yang gui-peng(key laboratory of marine chemistry theory and technology; ministry of education; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
Study on Otolith Morphology of Chelidonichthys spinosus in the Qingdao Coastal Waters
zhang xiao-xia1; ye zhen-jiang1; wang ying-jun1; gao dong-kui1; yang yong-huan2(1.fisheries college; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.the fisheries arrangement station of beihai; beihai 536000; china)
Endangered and Rare Species of Marine Medicinal Organisms and Their Protection in China
fu xiu-mei1; wang chang-yun1; shao chang-lun1; han lei1; wu yun-fei1; wu han-lin2; qian shu-ben1; guan hua-shi1(1.ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.shanghai ocean university; shanghai 200090; china)
Approaches in the Molecular Diversity Study of Marine Picoeukaryotes
wang min; jiang xue-jiao (college of marine life sciences; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china)
Isolation,Cultivation of a Sponge-Derived Fungus and Studes on Its Bioactive Metabolites
fang yu-chun1; li ling-xu2; zhu tian-jiao1; cai sheng-xin1; gu qian-qun1; zhu wei-ming1; wang chang-yun1; hao shuang-hong 2*(1.key laboratory of marine drugs of mec; school of medicine and pharmacy; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.research center of agri-bionic engineering and technology of shandong province; qingdao agricultural university; qingdao 266109; china)
Characteristics of Air-Sea Heat Flux in Beibu Gulf in 2006~2007
sheng li-fang1; 2; zheng yuan-xin3; chen jing-jing4; wang dan3(ocean university of china 1.ocean-atmosphere interaction and climate laboratary; 2.physical oceanography laboratary; 3.marine meteorology department; qingdao 266100; china; 4.meteorological observatory of hunan; changsha 410007; china)
The Allelopathic Activity Evaluation and the GC/MS Analysis of the Low Polar Components from Gorgonian Dichotella gemmacea
sun xue-ping1; liu hai-yan1; huang hui2; sun ling-ling1; chen min1; shao chang-lun1; wang chang-yun1; guan hua-shi1(1.key laboratory of marine drugs; ministry of education; school of medicine and pharmacy; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.south china sea institute of oceanology; chinese academy of sciences; guangzhou 510000; china)
Study on Series of HPLC Fingerprint Ⅱ: Hippocampus trimaculatus
li rong1; tang xu-li2; li guo-qiang1; zhang min1; wang chang-yun1; guan hua-shi1(ocean university of china 1.school of medicine and pharmacy; key laboratory of marine drugs; ministry of education; 2.college of chemistry and chemical engineering; qingdao 266003; china)
Investigation on the Status of Coral Reef Resources and Medicinal Research in China Ⅰ. Coral Reef Resources and Ecological Functions
fu xiu-mei1; 2; wang chang-yun1; shao chang-lun1; han lei1; li guo-qiang1; zeng xiao-qi3; guan hua-shi1(ocean university of china 1.key laboratory of marine drugs; ministry of education; school of medicine and pharmacy; 2.college of economics; 3.college of fisheries; qingdao 266003; china)
Investigation on the Status of Mangrove Resources and Medicinal Research in China Ⅱ. Resources Status,Protection and Management
fu xiu-mei1; 2; wang ya-nan1; 5; shao chang-lun1; wang chang-yun1; li guo-qiang1; liu guang-xing1; sun shi-chun1; zeng xiao-qi1; ye zhen-jiang1; guan hua-shi1(1.ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.qingdao university; qingdao 266071; china)
The Diurnal Fluctuation of Phytoplankton in Typical Waters of North Yellow Sea in Spring and Summer
yang shi-min1; liu guang-xing2; 3(ocean university of china; 1.vessel center laboratory; 2.key labora of marine environment and ecology; ministry of education; 3.college of environmental science and engineering; qingdao 266100; china)
Analysis of the Characteristics of the Atmospheric Turbulene Intensity and the Similarity of the Standard Deviations of Wind Velocity over the North Yellow Sea
gao hui-wang; gu ming; wang ren-lei; xue yu-huan(lab.of marine environment and ecology; ministry of education; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
Distribution Character of Bacterioplankton Biomass and Their Relationship with Environmental Factors in the Northwest of the Yellow Sea
bai jie1; 2; shi yao1; 2; song liang1; 2; li zheng-yan1; 2(ocean university of china 1.key lab of marine environmental science and ecology; ministry of education; 2.college of environmental science and engineering; qingdao 266100; china)
Seasonal Variation Characteristics of Temperature and Salinity of the North Yellow Sea
bao xian-wen; li na; yao zhi-gang; wu de-xing(college of physical and environmental oceanography; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
The Seasonal Distribution of Atmospheric Particulate Nutrient Element over the North Yellow Sea
qi jian-hua; qiao jia-jia; xu wen-bing; liu miao-miao(laboratory of marine environment and ecology; ministry of education; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
Study of Seasonal Changes of Biogenic Elements at Typical Transects in North Yellow Sea
shi xiao-yong; zang lu; zhang chuan-song; wang li-sha(college of chemistry and chemical engineering; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
Chemical Characteristics of Aerosol-Bound Ionic Species over the Southern Coastal Area of Shandong Peninsula
yang gui-peng; su lu-ping(key laboratory of marine chemistry theory and technology; ministry of education; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
The Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida (Phaeophyceae) for Qingdao Population by AFLP Markers
zhang dong; sui zheng-hong; yi heng; tong zhou; bao zhen-min(laboratory of marine genetics and breeding(mgb); ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china)
Investigation on the Status of Coral Reef Resources and Medicinal Research in China Ⅱ. Resource Decline Status,Protection and Management
fu xiu-mei1; 2; shao chang-lun1; wang chang-yun1; han lei1; li guo-qiang1; liu guang-xing3; guan hua-shi1(ocean university of china 1.key laboratory of marine drugs; ministry of education; school of medicine and pharmacy; 2.college of economics; 3.college of environmental science and engineering; qingdao 266003; china)
Factors Influencing Distribution of Soluble Heavy Metals in North Yellow Sea Surface Seawaters
tian lin1; chen hong-tao2; du jun-tao2; wang xiu-hai1(qcean university of china 1.key laboratory of marine environmental science and ecology; ministry of education; 2.key laboratory of marine chemistry theory and technology; ministry of education; qingdao 266100; china)
Distribution Characteristics of Bacterioplankton in Spring and Autumn in Costal Waters of South Shandong
xiao hui1; zhang zhe1; 2; zhang yan1; yu qing-yun1; tang xue-xi1(1.college of marine life science; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.department of mariculture ecology and carrying capacity; yellows sea fisheries research institute; qingdao 266071; china)
Investigation on the Status of Mangrove Resources and Medicinal Research in China Ⅲ. Status of Folk Medicinal Usage and Medicinal Research
shao chang-lun1; fu xiu-mei1; 2; wang chang-yun1; han lei1; liu xin1; fang yu-chun1; li guo-qiang1; liu guang-xing3; guan hua-shi1(ocean university of china; 1.key laboratory of marine drugs; ministry of education; school of medicine and pharmacy; 2.college of economics; 3.college of environmental science and engineering; qingdao 266100; china)
The Distributions and Atmospheric Fluxes of Nitrous Oxide and Methane in Jiaozhou Bay and Its Adjacent Coastal Area
li pei-pei; zhang gui-ling; zhao jing; yang jing; lu xiao-lan; ning yu; wang zhen(key laboratory of marine chemistry theory and technology; ministry of education; college of chemistry and chemical engineering; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Primary Production in the Yellow Sea Nearshore Area of Shandong Province
wang you; dou yong; tang xue-xi; yang zhen(college of marine life science; ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china)
Diel Rhythm of Phytoplankton in the Waters of North Yellow Sea in Autumn and Winter
liu guang-xing1; 2; du xiu-ning2(ocean university of china; 1.key laboratory of marine environment and ecology; ministry of education; 2.college of environmental science and engineering; qingdao 266100; china)
Distribution Features of Nutrients Structure and Nutrient Limitation in the North of Yellow Sea
zhang hui; shi xiao-yong; zhang chuan-song; wang li-sha(college of chemistry and chemical engineering; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
Investigation on the Status of Mangrove Resources and Medicinal Research in China Ⅰ. Ecological Functions and Values
wang ya-nan1; 2; fu xiu-mei1; shao chang-lun1; wang chang-yun1; li guo-qiang1; liu guang-xing1; sun shi-chun1; zeng xiao-qi1; ye zhen-jiang1; guan hua-shi1(1.ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.qingdao university; qingdao 266071; china)
Investigation on the Status of Marine Materia Medica Resources and Research in China
wang chang-yun1; shao chang-lun1; fu xiu-mei1; lan dong2; lan ke-xin2; li guo-qiang1; wu yun-fei1; qian shu-ben1; guan hua-shi1(1.ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.hainan shenlong research and development institute of traditional chinese materia medica; haikou 571101; china)
Spatial and Seasonal Variation of Chlorophyll and Primary Productivity in Summer and Winter in the Northern Yellow Sea
gao shuang; li zheng-yan(key lab of marine environmental science and ecology; ministry of education; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)
Distribution and Controlling Factors of Surface Seawater Partial Pressure of CO_2 in the Northern Yellow Sea During Autumn
zhang long-jun; guo zhao; xue liang(key lab of marine environmental science and ecology; ministry of education; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100; china)