On the Offshore Tidal Depositional System in Qingdao
dong he-ping~(1; 2); li shao-quan~2; li guang-xue~1; li chun~2; chen zheng-xin~2; zhao tie-hu~2(1.ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.qingdao institute of marine geology; qingdao 266071; china)
A New Underwater Laser Imaging Method
zheng bing~(1); sun xiao-he~(1); su jing~(2)(1.school of information science and engineering; ocean university of china; qingdao 266071; china; 2.china offshore oil research center; beijing 100027; china)
Water Quality of Plain Reservoirs in the Yellow River Delta
wang yu-ting~(1; 2); ma jun-de~3; ren zhi-yong~3; wang jin-ye~2(1.college of fisheries ocean university of china; qingdao 266003; china; 2.laiyang agriculture college; laiyang 265200; china; (3.water) supply company of shengli administration bureau; dongying 257097; china)