Combined Application of Lime and Peat Reduced Cadmium Uptake by Leafy Vegetables
WANG Yan-hong;LI Meng-jun;TANG Ming-deng;AI Shao-ying;YU Dan-ni;Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer in South Region;Ministry of Agriculture;Guangdong Key Laboratory of Nutrient Cycling and Farmland Conservation;Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment;Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Effects of Triazophos on Antioxidant Defense System of Hepatopancreas and Gills in Penaeusmonodon
LI Hong-yan;ZHANG Zhe;CHEN Hai-gang;MA Sheng-wei;CHEN Wei-ting;WANG Tao;CAI Wen-gui;Key Scientific Observation Station for South China Sea Fishery Resources and Environment;Ministry of Agriculture;Key Laboratory of Fishery Ecology Environment;Guangdong Province of China;South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute;CAFS;College of Fisheries and Life Science;Shanghai Ocean University;School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Qingdao China Petroleum East China Design Institute Safety and Environment Protection Co.;Ltd.;
The Effects of Groundwater Table Fluctuation on Nitrogen Migration in Aeration Zone
LI Xiang;YANG Tian-xue;BAI Shun-guo;XI Bei-dou;ZHU Xing-bao;YUAN Zhi-ye;WEI Yi-mei;LI Wei;A State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;School of Resource and Environmental Science;Wuhan University;Institute of Urban and Rural Construction;Agricultural university of Hebei;
Characteristics and Management of Domestic Solid Wastes in Rural Areas of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau,China
HAN Zhi-yong;MEI Zi-li;SHUI Yun-hui;CHEN Xi-hui;BAI Feng;State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection;Chengdu University of Technology;Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture;Yangxi Agricultural Service Centre of Daozhen County in Guizhou Province;Environmental Protection Agency of Daozhen County in Guizhou Province;Moni toring Station of Agricultural environment protection in Jianshui County of Yunnan Provice;