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Agro-Environmental Protection
2000 Issue 6
Advance on Research of Influence of Dioxin-like Compounds on Soil Environmental Quality
wu wei hong ; xie zheng miao ; xu jian ming
Legislation on Agricultural Environmental Protection Law
wang fei er ; chen ying xu
The Tactics to Recover and Rebuild the Agricultural Ecological Environment of Wuwei Oasis
shi pei ji ; li ming zuo ; tao xi dong ; jia wen xiong
Depletion of Rare-Earth Elements in Soil after Planting Several Years
pang xin ; wang dong hong ; li de cheng ; peng an ; liu xue jun ; zhang fu suo
Effects of Thermal Discharge from Power Plant on Aquatic Ecosystems
sheng lian xi ; sun gang
Effects of Different Modifiers on Rice Growth and Pb & Cd Contents of Rice and Soil in Pb-Cd-Contaminated Paddy Field
tu nai mei ; zheng hua ; zou yong xia ; li wei dong ; li yu rong ; he hong jun ; liao zhao xiang ; wu tong qiao
A Discriminating Model of Matter-Element and Extension for Eco-Environment Change
li zuo yong ; peng li hong ; liu guo dong
Screening, Incubation of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (SRBs) and Their Utilization in a Double-Phased Anaerobic Process
zhang ke qiang ; zhu wen ting ; chen zhi de ; zhang jin feng
A Indicating Function of Ischnura Elegans in Mercury-Polluting Water
xi yu ying ; han feng ying ; guo zuo ; li fu min
Water Quality for Aquiculture Improved by Photosynthetic Bacteria
ding ai zhong ; chen fan zhong ; lei jian quan ; fu jia zuo ; sheng guo ying
Contamination of Soils by Petroleum
ren lei ; huang ting lin
Study on Availability of Pb,Cd in Pulverous Coal Ash
zhang qing min ; hu guo chen ; wang zhong ; gan zuo pin ; han mei