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Liaoning Financial College Journal
2006 Issue 2
Jiang Zemin's Thought of Party Spirit
zhao xing-yin(college of social developmet; yangzhou university; yangzhou 225002; china)
The Realization of Comparatively Well-off Society in Xinjiang: Appraisal and Positivism Analysis
li guang-shun(xinjiang institute of finance and economics; urumqi 830012; china)
The Routine Patterns of Revenging Means and its Reasons in Three Large Collections of Chinese Vernacular Stories (Sanyan) Written by Feng Menglong
jiang chao-yang(literature college; shenyang normal university; shenyang 110034; china)
How to Recognize and Classify the Literature Motif (Part one): Its Creating,Recognizing,Naming and Orientating
translated by wang li~1; lu kun~2 (1.the research institute of chinese comparative literature; dalian university; dalian 116622; china; 2.college of chinese language and literature; liaoning normal university; dalian 116029; china)
Interest Expression in the Course of Political Participation
yao sheng-nan(sociology department; northwest normal university; lanzhou 730070; china)
The Concept of Institutional Fact from the Angle of Philosophy of Law
tang zhong-qing(law department; nanhua industrial and commercial college; guangzhou 510507; china)
Compensation for Medical Malpractice in Today's China: Status Quo and A Suggestion
yang qin-fa~1; fang hui-qing~2(college of economic law; east china university of politics and law; shanghai 200063; china; 2.zhejiang haihao law office; hangzhou 310012; china)
Locke's Ideas on the Power Balance
huang zhong-jing(faculty of law & politics; southern yangtze university; wuxi 214122; china)
The Basic Study of the Third Welfare Sector in China
li heng-guang (the institute of economy and management of technology; qingdao university; qingdao 266071; china)
How to Resolve the Local Government Debt Problem by Issuing Bond
du wei(college of economics; liaoning university; shenyang 110036; china)
The New Process of Countryside Reform and Development in China: Review and prospect
zhang xin-guang(school of economy and management; xinyang normal university; xinyang 464000; china)
The Social Security of the Farmers who Lose Their Land
zhang jiao; fan guo-qing(northeast university; shenyang 110004; china)
The Legal Limitation and its Overcoming During Law Construction
ren tian-fei~1; wu jian-min~2(1.dept.of social sciences; liaodong university; dandong 118003; china; 2.law college; hebei economics and trade university; shijiazhuang 050000; china)
The North Korea's Nuclear Issue and Six Party talks
ba dian-jun; bian jing(jilin university; changchun 130012; china)
Marx's Three-formation Theory and his Methodology about Human Being's Development
li ben-song(department of philosophy; renmin university of china; beijing 100872; china)
Luo Binji's Novel World (Part One)
xie shu-ling(teachers college; liaodong unicersity; dandong 118003; china)
The Economic Relationship Between Russia and China,Japan,and South Korea
man hai-feng~1; dai shi-ying~2(1.liaodong university; dandong 118001; china; 2.shenyang institute of engineering; shenyang 110136; china)
Interpreters of Ancient Chinese Poems and their Limitation
gao yun-long(liaodong university; dandong 118001; china)
The Function of Point of View in a Novel
zeng li-jun(teachers college; liaodong university; dandong 118003; china)
Cross-border RMB Cash Flows between China and DPRK:Characteristics,Problems and Countermeasures
mei di; chen li-xing(school of public finance & taxation; dongbei university of finance and economics; dalian 116025; china)
Software Industry:Enlightenment from India
ju yan-qing~1; zheng bo~2(1.dept.of science and research; liaodong university; dandong 118003; china; 2.accounting college; liaodong university; dandong 118003; china)
The Privilege Rule: An Idea to Perfecting Evidence-removeing Rule in China
li na(law college; suzhou university; suzhou 215000; china)
The Harmony and the Literary Ideas in the Pre-Qin Days
guo ling-yuan(literature college; northwest normal university; lanzhou 730070; china)
Discussion on the Six Categories of Chinese Characters in Ancient Chinese Written by Yi Guojie and Jiang Baoqi
zhu li-wei(college of literature; shenyang normal university; shenyang 110034; china)
The Aesthetical Characteristic of Organizational Communication
zeng yao-nong; xiao nai-tao(wuhan university of technology; wuhan 430070; china)
The Law Thoughts of the Confucianists in Pre-Qin Days
chen lin; liu gang(law college; xiangtan university; xiangtan 411200; china)
The Black Steed: An Primitivism Analysis
liu shu-li(department of humanities; hunan university of science and technology; xiangtan 411201; china)
How to Raise Innovative Ability of Regional Economy
kang xiu-hua(dept.of literature and law; dalian fisheries university; dalian 116023; china)