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Ground Pressure and Strata Control
2016 Issue 4
Research on permeability evolution law of goaf and pressure-relief mining effect
TU Shihao;ZHANG Cun;YANG Guanyu;BAI Qingsheng;YAN Ruilong;School of Mines;Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining;Ministry of Education;China University of Mining & Technology;
Research on the upper protective coal seam mining effect induced by coal thickness and interburden rock properties
CHEN Yanlong;WU Haoshuai;ZHANG Mingwei;WU Yu;ZHANG Houquan;ZHANG Guimin;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep Underground Engineering;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;
Bearing characteristics of filling body and supporting intensity of working face during coal pillar mined with paste backfill
GUO Weijia;JIANG Ning;WANG Hailong;CHEN Shaojie;State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-founded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology;College of Mining and Safety Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Study on mechanical model of aquifuge beam supported by filling strip in the water preserved mining
HUANG Qingxiang;LAI Jinqi;School of Energy Engineering;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;
The design of critical filling ratio in close distance coal seams by upward backfill mining technology
HUANG Peng;LI Baiyi;XIAO Meng;CHEN Zhiwei;PEI Yulong;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;School of Mines;China University of Mining & Technology;
Spatiotemporal coupling law of mining pressure,strata movement and fracture field distribution in deep stope
WANG Xinfeng;GAO Mingzhong;LI Longqin;Hunan Key Laboratory for Rock-Soil Mechanics and Engineering Safety;Xiangtan University;Key Laboratory of Safety and High-Efficiency Coal Mining;Ministry of Education;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
Rib spalling mechanism and control with fully mechanized longwall mining in large inclination “three-soft” thick coal seam under closed distance mined gob
YANG Ke;HE Xiang;LIU Shuai;LU Wei;Institute of Special Mining;Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Safety and Efficiency Mining of Ministry of Education;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
Mining plan simulation and rock migration analysis in steep seam mining
HAN Guang;QI Qingjie;CUI Tiejun;WANG Laigui;College of Safety Science and Engineering;Key Laboratory of Mine Thermodynamic Disasters and Control of Ministry of Education;Liaoning Technical University;Tunnel & Underground Structure Engineering Center of Liaoning;Dalian Jiaotong University;School of Mechanics and Engineering;Liaoning Technical University;
Mechanism study of floor water inrush around mining field based on micro-crack extension
GAO Yubing;LIU Shiqi;LYU Bin;LI Kunqi;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;School of Mechanics & Civil Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;School of Resources and Safety Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;
Rock burst mechanism analysis on deep irregular island face
ZHU Guang’an;DOU Linming;LIU Yang;SU Zhenguo;LI Hui;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safety Mining;School of Mines;China University of Mining & Technology;
Theory and application of deep hole floor-break blasting in floor rock burst coal mine
ZHAO Shankun;LI Liyun;WU Baoyang;LIU Jun;OUYANG Zhenhua;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;Mine Safety Technology Branch of CCRI;Yima Coal Group Co Ltd;
Research on mechanism for floor heave control in the roadway by base-angel-bolt and its type selection test
YANG Jun;SHI Haiyang;QI Gan;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining &Technology;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;Beijing Institute of Geology;
Mechanics performance testing and research of truss support in the soft rock roadway
ZHANG Guofeng;XIE Yi;XU Liying;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;
Study on concrete strain of inclined shaft lining in deep alluvium during freezing sinking period
WANG Qianxing;YANG Weihao;WANG Yansen;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;
Study on instability mechanism and thickness optimization of temporary ore wall based on cusp catastrophe model
WANG Yiming;XU Heng;WU Aixiang;AI Chunming;WU Peng;School of Civil and Environment Engineering;Key Laboratory of High-efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mines;Ministry of Education;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Dynamic caustics test on the inclined cracks in roadway surrounding rock subjected to static-dynamic load
GUO Dongming;YAN Pengyang;YANG Renshu;YUAN Baosen;ZHOU Baowei;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;
Study on instability fracture evolution of deep thick coal seams based on discrete element simulation
FANG Gang;YANG Shengqi;SUN Jianzhong;CHENG Jianlong;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;
Large deformation control technology for expansive and weak-cemented soft rock roadways in Shajihai coal mine
HAO Yuxi;WANG Jiong;YUAN Yue;WANG Xiaolei;ZHU Guolong;HE Manchao;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;School of Mining and Safety Engineering;Hunan University of Science and Technology;School of Mining Engineering;North China University of Science and Technology;
Deformation mechanism of narrow coal pillar in the fully-mechanized gob-side entry with incompletely stable overlying strata
ZHANG Hongwei;WAN Zhijun;ZHANG Yuan;MA Zhaoyang;ZHANG Jian;LIU Sifei;GE Lingjian;School of Mines;Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining;Ministry of Education;China University of Mining & Technology;Baodian Coal Mine;Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited;
Study on surrounding rock deformation control of finishing cut in backfilling mining face
LI Meng;ZHANG Jixiong;JU Feng;LIU Shiwei;CAO Yuanwei;School of Mines;Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining;Ministry of Education;China University of Mining & Technology;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;
Study on bearing and failure laws of roadside support influenced by end restraint
LI Guodong;CAO Shugang;YANG Hongyun;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control;College of Resources and Environmental Science;Chongqing University;
Analysis of influencing factors of interaction between double-shield TBM and surrounding rock in squeezing ground
CHENG Jianlong;YANG Shengqi;LI Xuehua;PAN Yucong;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;School of Mines;China University of Mining & Technology;State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering;Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study on efficiency promotion of dragline with single-operation cycle
SUN Jiandong;ZHANG Ruixin;MA Xingen;ZHANG Shuai;WEN Xiaoke;WU Linlin;School of Resources & Safety Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;Communication & Information Center;State Administration of Work Safety;
Comparative study on stability and mechanical structure of straight slope and horizontal concave slope
MA Li;LI Kemin;HAN Liu;SHU Jisen;MENG Qingwu;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;School of Mines;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining & Technology;
Research on permeability characteristics of karst collapse column fillings in complete stress-strain process
ZHANG Boyang;BAI Haibo;ZHANG Kai;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;
Effects of normal stresses on crack propagation and coalescence mechanisms of rocks upon shear
CHENG Lichao;XU Jiang;FENG Dan;LIU Yixin;Colleges of Resources;Hebei University of Engineering;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control;Chongqing University;
Non-Darcy seepage properties of mixture particles of crushed gangue under confined compression
MA Dan;BAI Haibo;CHEN Zhanqing;LI Shuncai;JIANG Bangyou;HUANG Weixing;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;Jiangsu Normal University;
Research on loading rate effect of uniaxial compressive strength of coal
LI Yanwei;JIANG Yaodong;YANG Yingming;ZHANG Kexue;REN Zheng;LI Haitao;MA Zhenqian;School of Resources and Safety Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining & Technology;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;Beijing Tiandi-Marco Electro-Hydraulic Control System Company Limited;China Coal Technology and Engineering Group;