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Ground Pressure and Strata Control
2012 Issue 4
Experimental Study on the Temperature Rising Characteristic of Spontaneous Combustion of Coal
XU Tao;WANG De-ming;XIN Hai-hui;QI Xu-yao
Similar Simulation for Pressure Relief and Shock Absorption Mechanism in Rock-Burst Danger Area
WU Xiang-qian;DOU Lin-ming;LU Cai-ping;CAO An-ye;LV Chang-guo
Study on Distribution of Gas Flow Fields in Working Face Under the Condition of Mining
DONG Gang-feng1;2;HU Qian-ting2;WANG Zhen2;SHI Bi-ming1
Study on Correlation Among Point Load Strength, Compression and Tensile Strength of Coal Samples
SU Cheng-dong1;TANG Xu2;NI Xiao-ming1
Study of Outburst Prevention Technology by Comprehensive Hydraulic Drilling Downward Through Coal-Seam
LIU Zhen;LI Zeng-hua;YANG Yong-liang;TANG Yi-bo
Large-Size Test on Creep Characteristics of High Water Material for Filling Body Beside Roadway
SUN Chun-dong1;2;3;ZHANG Dong-sheng1;4;WANG Xu-feng1;ZHOU Rui5
Application of Similar VCR Method in Caving Engineering of Metal Mine
CHEN Xian-feng;ZHONG Yong-xiao;WANG Ya-ping;REN Shao-feng
Roof Stability Analysis of Sublevel Open Stope and Caving Mining Method
ZHOU Zong-hong1;HOU Ke-peng1;REN Feng-yu2
Numerical Simulation for Determining the Safe Roof Thickness and Critical Goaf Span
ZHANG Min-si;ZHU Wan-cheng;HOU Zhao-song;GUO Xiao-qing
Experimental Research on the Failure Characteristics of Surrounding Rock Under High Vertical Ground Stress
LUO Feng1;2;YANG Ben-sheng2;3;SUN Li-hui2;3; YANG Wan-bin4;CUI Jing-kun2;3;ZHANG Li2
Visualization of Micro-Seismic Data Based on Mining Maps
MIAO Hua-xiang1;JIANG Fu-xing1;SONG Xue-juan2;YANG Shu-hua1
Characteristics of the Gas Emission Rate Based on the Monitoring Data in the Fully-Mechanized Working Face
ZHANG Shi-he1;2;CAI Qin-xiang1;CHEN Kai-yan3 Corporation Ltd.;Guiyang;Guizhou 550004;China; 3.Faculty of Safety Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;Xuzhou;Jiangsu 221116;China)
Measurement of Effective Drainage Radius Based on Gas Flow and Pressure of Boreholes
YU Tao1;LU Ping2;SUN Jin-hua1;DENG Zhong2
Adsorption-Desorption Characteristic on Deformed Coal Under the Conditions of High Temperature and Pressure and Equilibrium Water
SONG Zhi-min1;2;LIU Gao-feng1;YANG Xiao-na2;ZHANG Zi-xu1
Research on Deformation Failure Characteristics of the Deep High-stress Soft Rock Roadways
MENG Qing-bin1;2;HAN Li-jun1;QIAO Wei-guo2;LIN Deng-ge2;LV Yan-xin2
Seepage Property of Coal Containing Gas Under Different Paths in Laboratory
ZHU Zhuo-hui1;2;3;FENG Tao2;3;XIE Dong-hai1;LI Shi-lin1
Large Deformation Mechanism of Roadway Driving Along Goaf Under Unstable Overlying Rock Strata
ZHANG Yuan1;WAN Zhi-jun1;LI Fu-chen2;HE Zhong-hai1; ZHOU Chang-bing1;LIU Yu1;RONG Tong-yi1
Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Analysis of Exploiting Coal Methane by Heat Injection
ZHANG Feng-jie1;2;WU Yu1;MAO Xian-biao1;2;ZHANG Li-ping1;3;YAO Bang-hua1;2
Study of the Formation and Propagation Characteristics of Shock Wave and Gas Flow of Outburst at Straight Roadway
WANG Kai1;ZHOU Ai-tao1;WEI Gao-ju1;ZHANG Jian-fang2Co.Ltd.;Hangzhou;Zhejiang 310011;China)
Application of Support Technology with High Strength and High Pretension Stress for Weak-Broken Rocks
WANG Hong-wei;JIANG Yao-dong;ZHAO Yi-xin;ZHU Jie;SHAN Ru-yue