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Journal of Comprehensive Stomatology
2011 Issue 4
Effect of Middle Layer by Electro-spark Deposition Technology on Bonding Strength of Porcelain and Cast Pure Titanium
JIANG Tao;HU Jiang;ZHOU Jian;et al.School of Stomatology;the Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710032
tao ci xiu fu cai liao mo hao xing neng ying xiang yin su de yan jiu
liu jing ying liu zhe wen liu xiao ming
duo fa xing duo sheng ya 1 li
zhang yu ping
zuo shang zuo di yi mo ya liang jia gen bian yi 1 li
he kong yan zheng jian xin yang yan
Application of Case-based Learning in Oral Medicine during Preclinical Stage
DU Ge-fei;LI Cheng-zhang;SHANG Shu-huan;et al.School of Stomatology;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430079
A Randomized Single-Blind Controlled Clinical Trial of Cetylpyridinium Chloride Mouth Rinse on Oral Candidiasis
YAN Zhi-min;SUN Xiao-ping;HUA Hong.Department of Oral Medicine;School and Hosptical of Stomatology;Peking University Beijing 100081
CBCT Study on Changes of Pharyngeal Airway in Patients with Skeletal Class Ⅲ after Combined Orthodontic-orthognathic Treatment
WANG Hong-wei;WANG Jian-guo;CAI Zhi-fang;et al.Tianjin Medical University;Tianjin 300070
Color Analysis of Maxillary Anterior Teeth of Uygur Youth in Urumqi
WANG Rui-wen;WANG Feng;CUI Jie;et al.Department of Prosthodontics;First Affiliated Hospital;Xinjiang Medical University;Urumqi 830011
Detection of Bacteria Related to Periodontal Disease in Oral Cavities of Japanese Children by Species-specific PCR
NI Xue-yan;Hiroshi Ida;OUYANG Jie;et al.Department of Stomatology;Affiliated Beijing An Zhen Hospital;Capital University of Medicine;Beijing 100029
Study on the Osteoinductivity of Calcium Phosphate Ceramics with different Macroporous Sizes
YAO Jin-feng;LI Xiao-yu;ZHANG Xiao-wei;et al.Department of Stomatology;Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital;Shenzhen 518035
Impact of Adult Orthodontic Treatment on Life Quality
YU Wei-juan;LIU Lin.Department of Orthodontics;Stomatology Hospitol;Dalian University;Dalian 116021
Expression of P53 and Mdm2 in Oral Lichen Planus and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
WANG Lu-yao;LIN yan;SHI Ai-mei.Department of Stomatology;The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University;Zhengzhou 450052
zheng gao tong zhi
Comparative Analysis of Temporary Crowns Made by SWIFT-TEMP Resin Tooth and Stock Plastic Tooth
WU Xu.Department of Stomatology;People’s Hospital of Hanchuan;Hanchuan 431600
Factors Influencing Marginal Fit of Crowns after Cementation:A multiple Linear Regression Analysis
ZHANG Shao-ping;MA Shou-zhi;Chen Xi;et al.Department of Prosthodontics;School of Stomatology;Fujian Medical University;Fuzhou 350002
Bilabed Radial Forearm Flap in Reconstruction of Soft-tissue Defects after Tongue Cancer Resection
LIU Deng-feng;XIAO Jin;FANG Yi-ming;et al.Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery;The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College;Wenzhou 325027
zu zhi gong cheng gou jian gu xue guan zai sheng de yan jiu
zhu wei zheng ye mao chang
Optimization Process of RGD Surface Modification on Titanium Nanotubes
CAO Xin;YU Wei-qiang;ZHANG Fu-qiang.Ninth People’s Hospital;Department of Prosthodontics;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology;Shanghai 200011
Clinical Use of 2-Dimensional Lingual Brackets Self-ligating Technique in the Treatment of Malocclusion of Adult
ZHOU Yan;FANG Zhi-xin;CHEN Shi-wen;et al.Department of Orthodontics;People’s Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;Nanning 530021
Mineralization Effect of Galla Chinensis Toothpaste on Enamel in Vitro
CHEN Fei-fei;WANG Da-zhao;ZHANG Xiang-yu;et al.Department of Pediatric Dentistry;College of Stomatology;Tianjin Medical University;Tianjin 300070
Experimental Study of Insulin-like Growth Factor-Ⅰ Expression in Orthodontic Tooth Movement with Stable Periodontitis
YANG Dong-hong;ZHENG Rong;CAO Zuo-hong;et al.College of Stomatology;Jiamusi University;Jiamusi 154002
Mechanism of Class Ⅲ Elastics Treatment on Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Patients with Crossbite
WEI Zhi-qiang;WANG Jian-guo;ZHANG Xi-zhong.Tianjin Medical University;Tianjin 300041
Comparison of Clinical Effect of ERA Attachment and Removable Partial Denture
ZHANG Yun;ZHANG Wei-ping;LI Li;et al.Department of Examines;Branch Especially Stomatological Hospital;Lanzhou 730000
Effect of Disinfection on Three-dimensional Accuracy of Alginate Impression Materials Mixed with Bromogeramine
CHEN Yan;LIANG You-de;GUO Hui.Department of Stomatology;Hubei Xinhua Hospital;Wuhan 430015
Effects of the Orientation of the Osstell~(TM) Transducer on Torsional Vibration Behavior of Dental Implants:A Numerical Approach
ZHAI Min;LI De-hua;WANG Kun.Stomatological Hospital;the Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710032
Pain Sensitivity to Intraoral Anesthetic Injections among Children
YE Ning;Qian Hong;Huang Qun.Department of Pedodontics;Guangdong Provincial Stomatological Hospital;Stomatological Hospital affiliated to Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510280
mian zhong bu yan zhong duo fa xing gu zhe de jiu zhi ti hui
liang xue jun yan xiang
Comparison of the Simultaneous Intrusion and Retraction Effect on the Maxillary Incisors between Three Pieces Arch Wire Technique and Miniscrew Anchorage
WANG Xu;ZHANG Dong-liang;WANG Rui.Department of Dentistry;Coal General Hospital;Beijing 100028
Discussion on the Attributes of Cleft Lip and Palate Treatment
SHI Bing.West China Hospital of Stomatology;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610041
Effects of Naoyi-an on the Expression of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Sythase after Hypoglossal Nerve Crush in Rats
TANG Yan-ping;TU Ling;ZHANG Chun-xiang;et al.Department of Clinical Science;Changsha Health School;Changsha 410078
Clinical Observations on Crown Lengthening Surgery with Piezosurgery
YANG Ping;GAO Yong-bo;LI Shao-yue;et al.Department of Stomatology;Longgang Central Hospital;Shenzhen 518116