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Journal of Jinzhou Normal College (Natural Science
2006 Issue 3
On influence of 2008 Olympis Games upon China's sport development
tang feng-cheng~1; jiang bo~2 (1.p.e department; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china; 2.college of liberal arts and science; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china)
On distributed dala mining in Web services under grid environment
ma yu-hui~1; zhang bin~2 (1.college of education; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china; 2.college of information science and engineer; northeastern university; shenyaug 110004; china)
Experimental study of "pattern of small group teaching" in gym teaching
li yan-jie (p.e department; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china)
Analysis on development China's tennis market
guan xue-lei (p.e department; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china)
Search engine optimization strategies based on key words and links
yang song~1; yang wen-lian~2 (1.college of software; dalian university of technology; dalian 116024; china 2.college of information engineering; dalian aquatic product college; dalian 116023; china)
Calculation of CG coefficient of D_(4h)~9 magnetic space groups
teng xiang (department of physics; bohai university; jinzhou 121000; china)
Comformal and projection conformations of quarter symmetric metric concurrent connections
zhang ya-yang; xu wen-bin (college of science; jimei university; xiamen 361021; china)
Qualitative analysis on a kind of explited predator-prey system with functional reaction
wang chong~1; liu jing~2; song yan~3 (1; 3.department of mathematics; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china; 2; jinzhou city experinental schoul; jinzhou 121013; china)
H_∞ Control of parameter-uncertainty linear system based on linear marix inequalities
sha qiao-yun~1; li shu-yan~2; gong chang-zhong~3 (1.software school; shenyang institute of aeronautical engineering; shenyang 110034; china; 2.department of mathmatics; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china; 3.college of science; china civil aeronautic college; tianjin 300300; china)
Establishment and appliction of eco-environmental quality
gao chun-feng (scientific research institute jinzhou city environmental protection; jinzhou 121000; china)
POPs and their dangers
yuan dong-liang~1; zhang ying-feng~2; zhang yong-an~3; zheng xang-jun~3 (1.department of chemistry; hong kong university hong kong china; 2.qinhuangdao city no.1 high school; qinhuangdao 06600; china; 3.department of chemistry; beijing normal university; beijing 100875; china)
On reductive characterization of catalyst in dynamics
xia yun-sheng~1; guo yu-shuang~2 (1.college of chemistry and chemical insuarey; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china; 2.dalian city no.11 high school; dalian 116031; china)
On chemical equilibrium in synthesis of isopropyl ether
yao wen-sheng~1; zhang cheng-zhong~2 (1.college of chemistry and chemical industry; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china; 2.jinzhou petro-chemical corporation; jinzhou 121001; china)
Study on nanotube's change in nature and photocatalytic capacity
liu ping; li xin-yong; fang ning (key lab for industry ecology and environmental science education; college of environment and life; dalian university of technology; dalian 116024; china; center for nanometer science; dalian university of technology; dalian 116024; china)
Controlled teleportation of quantum with continuous variables
xiu xiao-ming; dong li (department of physics; bohai university; jinzhou 121000; china)
Study on training algorithm for SVM
ai qing; liu yang; qin yu-ping (college of information science and engineering; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china)
Brief analysis of calibration methods for high-order control system
sun dong-sheng (student affairs office; jinzhou teachers school; jinzhou 121000; china)
The Realization of the Virtual Protection Ring of the Sharing Fiber
ren song-mei (jinzhou branch; china netcom(group)company limited; jinzhou 121000; china)
On automatic correction of word division
li qun (computing center; anshan teachers college; anshan 114005; china)
A new further extended Riccati equation's rational expansion method and its application
zhao rong~1; xia tie-cheng~2; li ji~3 (1; 3.department of mathematics; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china; 2.department of mathematics; shanghai university; shanghai 200444; china)
Uniqueness of limit cycle in prey-predator system with sparssing effect
zhang jiao~1; jin tie-ying~2; cong jing~3 (1.college of science; liaoning petro-chemical university; fusun 113001; china; 2.department of mathematics; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china; 3.general study program office; liaoning institute of science and technology; fuxin 117022; china)
Kondo effect in double quantum dots coupled to ferromagnetic leads
chi feng~1; xue hui-jie~2 (1.department of physics; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china; 2.department of physics; harbin normal university; harbin 150025; china)
Optimal control model in life insurance payment
ma yan-fen; fan guang-hui; yuan hai-yan (department of mathematics; heilongjiang engineering college; haerbin 150050; china)
Application of probability in "Zhuajiu" (drawing lots)
dai ying~1; gao wei~2 (1.college of education; bohai university; jinzhou; 121013; china; 2.department of mathematics; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; china)
Stability analysis to uncertain system with input and state time lags
su ya-kun~1; chen bing~2(1.department of mathematics; bohai university; jinzhou 121013; chian; 2.college of automation; qingdao university; qingdao 266017; china)
Strong PS-irresolute open (closed) mapping and their properties
li hong-yan (department of mathematics and information seience; shandong institute of business and techmology; yantai 264005; china)
Synthesize 3-fluoro-4-methylbenzonitrile
liu min (basic science institute; university of engineering technology; fuxin 123000; china)