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Foreign Medical Sciences(Medical Education)
2016 Issue 3
xie zi he jiao hao mai bu
qing nian ;
Globalization and the Transformation of Chinese Universities
LUO Yan;Institute of Education;Tsinghua University;
The Analyses of Operating Mechanism and Efficiency for "Project 985":Based on the Perspective of International Comparison and Empirical Study
BAO Wei;CHEN Jie;WAN Ting-ting;Peking University;Graduate School of Education/Institute of Economics of Education;
The Development of Educational Foundations and the Establishment of World-Class Universities:A Comparative Analysis
LI Feng-liang;WANG Yun-bin;Institute of Education;Tsinghua University;
Can Higher Education Get Rid of "Adaptation Theory"?A Discussion with Professor Feng Xiangdong
REN Zeng-yuan;XU Jing;Institute of Higher Education;Jilin University;
On the Indoctrination Theory in Ideological and Political Education
ZHANG Zheng-jiang;Department of Education;Southwest University;
Influences of the Development of Global Private Higher Education:A Critical Analysis
JIANG Kai;Graduate School of Education;Peking University;
Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Private Universities:Current Situation,Dilemma and Way Out
XUE Wei-yang;Institute of Education;Xiamen University;
A Legal Analysis of the Classified Management of Private Universities
HUAN Jian-fen;School of Law and Politics;Shanghai Normal University;
The Scale and Allocation of Higher Vocational Education in Western China:Current State and Suggestions for Development
LI Zhong-guo;ZHANG Min;LI Xing-cheng;School of Education;Linyi University;China Institute of Education Policy;Beijing Normal University;Department of Education;Shandong Normal University;
The Effect of Individual Background and Campus Experience on Major Persistence in College Students
WANG Xin-hong;ZHANG Lin;LI Wen-hui;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
The Development of Creative Thinking for Students at Engineering Colleges:An Investigation at J Engineering University in Beijing
LI Qing-feng;HU Wan-shan;Research Center for Development Strategies of High-level Local Universities;BJUT;Institute of Higher Education;BJUT;
The Income Effects of Overeducation
ZHANG Bing-bing;SHEN Hong;School of Education;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Student Learning Outcomes Based Program Assessment in Higher Education:The Case Study of James Madison University of USA
LIU Sheng-tao;Keston H.Fulcher;Institute of Educational Science;Hunan University;Center for Assessment and Research Studies;James Madison University;
How the World First-class University Contributes to Regional Economic Development:The Case of Yale University
ZHUO Ze-lin;Institute of International and Comparative Education;East China Normal University;