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Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
2003 Issue S1
Image Intelligent Technology of Target Detection (Ⅱ) ——Data Flow Chart and Background Estimating
JING Xiao-jun; LI Jian-feng; ZHANG Su-hui; YANG Yi-xian
The Maximal Jump Number M(19,10)
YOU Lin; WANG Tian-ming
Study on the Access Performance of Leaky Bucket Technique in ATM
LIUQin; YANG Jia-wei; LI Jian-dong
A Simple Model of TCP Latency
ZHAO Jiong; ZHANG Shu-jing; ZHOU Qi-gang
Construction and Properties with a Kind of Extensive Bent Functions
DING Jin-kou; HUANG Zheng ; WEN Qiao-yan; YANG Yi-xian
Authentication in Quantum Key Distribution
GUO Fen-zhuo; WEN Qiao-yan
Image Intelligent Technology of Target Detection (Ⅰ) ——Target-Background Expression Model
JING Xiao-jun; LI Jian-feng; ZHANG Su-hui; YANG Yi-xian
Recursive Production Algorithm of a Lager Set of Orthogonal Arrays of GF(2)
HUANG Zheng ; DING Jin-kou ; WEN Qiao-yan ; YANG Yi-xian
The Physiological Authentication Methods for Bluetooth Equipment
CHENG Shi-qun; WEN Tie-hua
Image Intelligent Technology of Target Detection(Ⅲ) ——Optimal Clustering and Character Recognition
JING Xiao-jun; LI Jian-feng; ZHANG Su-hui; YANG Yi-xian
Implemetation of Management and Control System in Distance Education
XU BO; ZHENG Shao-ren(Communication Engineering School; People’s Liberation Army University of Science and Technology;
The Security Study of QoS Mechanism in Internet
LI Zhi-bing; YANG Yi-xian
Decentralized CORBA Authorization Service Based on SPKI Certificate
LIU Jing; ZHOU Ming-tian
A Dual Channel Real Time DSP System Based on TMS320C31
ZHANG Hai-yan; LI Xin; ZHAO Li-feng; LIU Chun-jie
Multiple Access Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Smart Antennas
YANG Jun; LI Jian-dong
Bargaining Exploration in Electronic Business
SU An-yang
The Design of Real-Time Kernel for TMS320C54X Based on μC/OS-Ⅱ
LUO Shi-bo; ZHANG Xiong-wei
Research on Home-Net working System Based on Powerline Communication Technology
WEI Wei-wei ; LI Jie ; ZHOU Guo-yong
Implementation of Speech Segmentation and Enhancement Based on Fractal Dimension
CHEN Liang; ZHANG Xiong-wei
A Low Complexity Decorrelating Multiuser Detection and Performance Simulations
HAI Ping; XIE Xian-zhong
Research on Embedded Internet and Extend the Internet
YUAN Bing; FU Hong; WU Hong-tao
Transposition Cryptosystem and the Future Expectation
ZHANG Ya; FENG Deng-guo
Servlet Technology and Application
CHI Ya-ping; FANG Yong
Security Analysis of VPN
LIUYa-kun; YANG Ding-cai
The Research of Covert Channels Based on TCP/IP
XU Jie-feng