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Beijing Biomedical Engineering
2007 Issue 3
liu chang ce shi ji shu ji qi zai xue beng liu chang ce shi zhong de ying yong
du song lin ; xiao xue jun
The design and implementation of a color ultrasound imaging picture & text workstation
HUANG Boqiang;CHEN Jianhua;YU Qi
Experimental study on the stretch mechanical property of ACL and MCL
WANG Xiyuan;LI Peng;MA Hongshun
Experimental study on the mechanical characterization of porcine iris
LEI Yuxi;ZHANG Kunya;SONG Hongfang;LI Ting;LIU Zhicheng
Design and application of an acknowledgement system for patients
YING Jun;CHENG Jiangbo;WANG Jian
The application of CDMA location technology in first aid system
YAN Xinzhong;GUO Lue
Research on SVD-based quantification of magnetic resonance spectroscopy signals
ZHAN Yingjian;LIN Jiarui;HUANG Min
Application of support vector machine in medical image segmentation
SHI Xin;LUO Shuqian
A novel image segmentation algorithm based on snake and artificial ant colony
CAO Huizhi;WANG Chen;LUO Shuqian
Two-dimensional grey-level models for an active shape model
DONG Shuo;LUO Shuqian
Segmentation of masses in mammograms
OUYANG Cheng;DING Hui;WANG Guangzhi
Abdominal organs segmentation based on VIP-Man atlas registration
ZHOU Yongxin;BAI Jing
Experimental study of infrared mammography de-noising and enhancing based on wavelet analysis
LIU Lili;GAO Zhiyong;LIU Xiangming
Three-dimensional magnetic localization of an intra-body microcapsule in gastrointestinal tract
GUO Xudong;YAN Guozheng;HE Wenhui
Frequency dependence of visual evoked response: an fMRI study
BIAN Xu;PAN Jie;ZHANG Zhiguang;CAO Xiaorong;GAO Shangkai
Ultrasound contrast quantitative analyzing based on curve fitting algorithm
YAN Xuqin;ZHENG Yongguo;WANG Bengang
The development of a real-time correction method for a thermal imaging System with constant temperature source
SHEN Xianwei;YU Mengsun;YANG Jun;DENG Xiufang;WANG Naizhong;SUN Min
Neural population decoding and its applications in brain-computer Interfaces
CHEN Xiaomo;HONG Bo;GAO Shangkai
Mechanism investigation on immunology theory using traditional moxibustion to treat tumor
HONG Wenxue;FAN Fengjie;SONG Jialin
New development of noninvasive monitoring in hyperthermia tumour using ultrasound
REN Xinying;WU Shuicai;ZENG Yi
An orthopeadics computer assisted pre-operative planning system
XUE Wendong;WANG DongJeng;YU Chao;ZHANG wenqiang
The development of scientific research management information system based on campus network
MA Lei;XIA Hong;TONG Longzheng;ZHOU Jixiang;ZHANG Li;WANG Xiaofang;YANG Xiaoting;MA Bingrong;DING Kuke
A measurement method of pulse wave transit time using impedance cardiogram
LI Yinhua;LIU Yanyong;XIANG Haiyan;QING Yufei;ZHONG Hongjin;YU Mengsun
An improved approach of shift-corrected joint peristimulus time histogram
HUANG Dan;LIU Qian;LI Yanling;CHEN Lin;LIN Yunsheng;ZENG Shaoqun