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Journal of Bijie University
2008 Issue 4
ben kan qi shi
lai gao xu zhi
The Maintenance Application of Flash Memory in Computer Room
LI Guo-qing
The Parser and Data Conversion of ASE File
SHEN Run-quan;HE Ben-yang
GIS Corpus Information Retrieval Based on Ontology
CHENG Cheng;CHEN Xiao-rong;ZENG Lin-xiao
Mapping of Major QTLqSCT-11 for Early Seedling Cold Tolerance in Rice
GONG Xun;CAI Hai-yan;LIU Shao-jiao;ZHANG Zhi-hong
Nationality Chemistry Teaching Reform of the Matriculation
CHEN Hui-ping
Teaching Recollection Ability of Chemistry Teacher
NIE Xiao-yan
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 1, 8-Alkylenedipicolininum Dibromide
LU Jing-Song;WU Ming-Qiang;XIAO Xin;TAO Zhu;XUE Sai-Feng;ZHU Qian-Jiang
The Noise Control under Energy Conservation
CHEN Yu-xia
Discussion on Representation of Concepts
YU Jia-ju;CHEN Xiu-rong;Cheng Bing;YUAN Dong-mei
The Property of Dual Kernal of Ro-algebra
CAO Fa-sheng;ZHANG Jia-feng
Fuzzy generalized Regular Implication Algebra
LI Zhi-wei;LI Gui-hua