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Journal of Beijing Institute of Machinery
2005 Issue 4
The design of isolation-resistance test system in electric security tester
HE Ming-song;LIU Gui-li;LI Dong;WANG Yan-lin
Efficient ellipse detection method in digital photogrammetry
QI Xiao-juan;DONG Ming-li;WANG Jun;Lü Nai-guang
Analysis on the web-based multi-tier client/server architecture
ZHANG Xiao-bin;LIANG Yun-rong
Hardware design of embedded vision measurement system for PVC material
FENG Cheng-guo;ZHOU Jin-he;LOU Xiao-ping;DENG Wen-yi
Research on kinematics performance of the follower wheel of the slurry-churn when swerving
ZHENG Xiu-min;HAO Jing-ru;LIU Qi-guang
Simulation of quadrature amplitude modulation system based on MATLAB
MA Mu-yan;LENG Jun-min;ZUO Xiu-feng
Pneumatic optimization for axial fan design
LI Wei-guo;WANG Jian-hua
Data preprocess in Web log mining
KONG Hao;ZHOU Chang-sheng
The method of LCIA of product system based on substance and energy
MENG Bi-xia;LUAN Zhong-quan
Study on internal service quality of human resource department
JIN Chun-hua;LIU Yu
Strategic alliance and selection of its members
HU Wei-guo;WEI Jiao-shan;MENG Dong
Cause and countermeasure for the financing difficulty of small and medium enterprises
ZHANG Zheng-yi;LI Xin-qu;CHEN Ning
Perfection of corporate governance of state-owned enterprises group
ZENG Xin;LI Xin-qu
Three questions about political civilization construction
SHI Ji-ping
Construction of digital university library
On the education of college students' consumption ethics
XIE Bao-jie
The writing mirrors the author
PEI Hui-yun;QIAO Li