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Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
2011 Issue 11
Electromagnetic interference caused by aerospace explosives
Cao Jingyang Xie Shuguo Su Donglin Ma Zhichao
Guidance and control law design for an impulsive logic-based switching flight system
Chen Jian Tian Yuan Ren Zhang
Wear condition prediction of hydraulic pump
Ge Wei Wang Shaoping
Safety simulation applying Stateflow technology
Wang Bei Zhao Tingdi
Fault detection of dual redundant actuation system based on the fault modeling
Fu Yongling Pang Yao Liu Hesong Zhang Ye
Scalar multiplication algorithm of ECC based on precomputation and periodicity
Zhang Xiaoqiang Zhu Guiliang Wang Weiping Wang Mengmeng
Estimation for detection probability of infrared point target under complex backgrounds
Mao Xia Chang Le Diao Weihe
Cooperative generation of phantom radar track using a team of ECAVS based on RGPO
Gao Bin Mao Shiyi Sun Jinping
hun he qiu mo dui yai2 ke li xing mao ji biao mian gai xing de ying xiang
zhang zuo wu guo qing ling zhao hua huang zheng
ji yu yu ji suan he zhou qi xing de ecc biao liang cheng fa suan fa
zhang xiao qiang zhu gui liang wang wei ping wang meng meng
Effect of mix milling on the microstructure and surface modification of YAl2 particles
Zhang Xin Wu Guoqing Ling Zhaohua Huang Zheng
mai chong hong wai xiang wei xian xing diao pin z bian huan
ma shuo han ma qi shuang
Analysis of electromagnetic radiation for airborne very-low-frequency(VLF) dual trailing antenna in half-space
Wu Longgang Su Donglin Chen Jiajia Wu Nankai
Tactical data link system with low-density parity-check code scheme
Li Hang Chen Wei
Method of TDOA multi-station passive location based on weighted matrix
Chang Xiaoming Zhang Xiaolin Zhang Qiang
Experiments of combined heat transfer in leading of blades at rotating state
Gu Zhenpeng Deng Hongwu Tao Zhi Zhu Jianqin
xing tu yun dong mo hu ji qi fu yuan fang fa
wu xiao juan wang xin long
Pulse phase thermography chirp Z transform
Ma Shuohan Ma Qishuang
Improved analysis method of risk priority number
Chen Zhengping Fu Guicui Zhao Youhu
hang kong ye ya beng mo sun zhuang kuang yu ce
ge zuo wang shao ping
ji yu gu zhang jian mo de shuang yu du duo ji gu zhang zhen duan ji shu
fu yong ling pang yao liu he song zhang zuo
Satellite attitude determination algorithm of model error robustness
Wei Mingkun Yang Jing
On compressive sensing applied to SAR imaging
Xiao Peng Li Chunsheng Yu Ze
Afterbody/nozzle optimal design of hypersonic vehicle
Gan Wenbiao Yan Chao
Motion blur of star image and restoration
Wu Xiaojuan Wang Xinlong
fu za bei jing xia hong wai dian mu biao tan ce gai lv gu suan
mao xia chang le diao wei he
Risk assessment and sensitivity analysis of detector safety landing
Li Tao Yang Jun Fei Simiao
Tracking technique in the presence of standoff jamming
Xu Haiquan Wang Guohong Guan Chengbin