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Journal of China Ordnance
2015 Issue 2
Inspection of aluminum alloys by a multi-frequency eddy current method
A.V.EGOROV;V.V.POLYAKOV;D.S.SALITA;E.A.KOLUBAEV;S.G.PSAKHIE;A.G.CHERNYAVSKII;I.V.VOROBEI;Altai State University;Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS;National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia";
2D and 3D milled surface roughness of high volume fraction Si Cp/Al composites
Tao WANG;Li-jing XIE;Xi-bin WANG;Teng-yi SHANG;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Determination of penetration depth at high velocity impact using finite element method and artificial neural network tools
Nam?k KILI?;Blent EKICI;Selim HARTOMACIOGLU;Computer Aided Engineering Department;Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma San.A.S;Ataturk Cad No: 9 Arifiye;54580;Sakarya;Turkey;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;Marmara University;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Faculty of Mechanical Education;Marmara University;
Microstructure and pitting corrosion resistance of AA2219 Ale Cu alloy friction stir welds e Effect of tool profile
Ch VENKATA RAO;G.MADHUSUDHAN REDDY;K.SRINIVASA RAO;Department of Metallurgical Engineering;Andhra University;Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory;
Theoretical study of BTF/TNA cocrystal: Effects of hydrostatic pressure and temperature
Peng-yuan CHEN;Lin ZHANG;Shun-guan ZHU;Guang-bin CHENG;School of Chemical Engineering;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;
Friction stir surfacing of cast A356 aluminiumesilicon alloy with boron carbide and molybdenum disulphide powders
R.SRINIVASU;A.SAMBASIVA RAO;G.MADHUSUDHAN REDDY;K.SRINIVASA RAO;Department of Metallurgical Engineering;Andhra University;Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory;
Variation of chemical composition of high strength low alloy steels with different groove sizes in multi-pass conventional and pulsed current gas metal arc weld depositions
K.DEVAKUMARAN;M.R.ANANTHAPADMANABAN;P.K.GHOSH;Welding Research Institute;Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited;Department of Mechanical Engineering;M.A.M College of Engineering and Technology;Siruganur;Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering;Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee;
Multiobjective optimization of friction welding of UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel
P.M.AJITH;Birendra Kumar BARIK;P.SATHIYA;S.ARAVINDAN;Department of Production Engineering;National Institute of Technology;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Indian Institute of Technology Delhi;
Microstructure and pitting corrosion of armor grade AA7075 aluminum alloy friction stir weld nugget zone-Effect of post weld heat treatment and addition of boron carbide
P.VIJAYA KUMAR;G.MADHUSUDHAN REDDY;K.SRINIVASA RAO;Department of Mechanical Engineering;R.I.T.;Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory;Department of Metallurgical Engineering;Andhra University;
Effect of tool pin profile on microstructure and tensile properties of friction stir welded dissimilar AA 6061e AA 5086 aluminium alloy joints
M.ILANGOVAN;S.RAJENDRA BOOPATHY;V.BALASUBRAMANIAN;Department of Mechanical Engineering;College of Engineering Guindy;Anna University;Center for Materials Joining & Research;Department of Manufacturing Engineering;Annamalai University;
Defence Technology Aims and Scope