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Semiconductor Optoelectronics
2013 Issue 5
Applications of Quantum Dots in Polymer-based Solar Cells
YUE Wenjin;NIE Guangjun;Department of Biochemical Engineering;Anhui Polytechnic University;
Research Progresses and Prospects of Chip Microchannel Heat Exchange
LI Linlin;CHEN Xi;ZHENG Pu;MA Jingshu;DUAN Yumei;JIANG Weixue;WANG Xiaochun;School of Energy & Power Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Optimization of Heat Sink Design Based on Chimney Effect for Integrated Packaging Semiconductor Lighting Source
ZHANG Guowang;HAN Yanjun;LUO Yi;LI Hongtao;Tsinghua National Lab.for Information Science and Technology;Department of Electronic Engineering;Tsinghua University;Lab.for Semiconductor Lighting of Graduate School at Shenzhen;Tsinghua University;
AlGaN pin Solar-blind Series Connection Ultraviolet Detectors
TAO Liyou;ZHANG Yan;LIU Fuhao;LI Xiangyang;Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Research on Increasing Electron Injection in CdS Thin Layer of White Organic Light-emitting
JIANG Wenlong;YOU Zhongqi;SUN Jifang;YING Lu;ZHANG Gang;CHANG Xi;WANG Jin;XUE Zhichao;College of Information and Technology;Jilin Normal University;
Investigation on Electrical Properties of GaN and GaAs Based Semiconductor Laser Diodes
HE Yongfa;LI Ding;CAO Wenyu;CHEN Zhao;YANG Wei;CHEN Weihua;HU Xiaodong;Research Center for Wide Gap Semiconductor;Peking University;
Analysis and Optimization of the Frequency Response of Flip-chip Bonded Photodiode
LIU Zhenfeng;XIONG Bing;SHI Tuo;YE Liushun;SUN Changzheng;LUO Yi;Tsinghua National Lab.for Information Science and Technology;Department of Electronic Engineering;Tsinghua University;
Surface Acoustic Wave Resonator for Acousto-optic Frequency Shifter
WANG Chunmei;WEN Zhiyu;ZHANG Zuwei;Key Lab.of Optoelectronic Technology and System of the Department of Education;Chongqing University;National Key Lab.of Fundamental Science and Micro/Nano-Device and System Technology;Chongqing University;Microsystem Research Center;Chongqing University;
Dual-wavelength Fiber Laser Based on FBG in Sagnac Loop
ZHOU Xuefang;FU Chenjin;College of Communication Engineering;Hangzhou Dianzi University;College of Information Engineering;Hangzhou Dianzi University;
Optical Stimulation of 5630 TOP LED with Minitype Lens Array in Sub-millimeter Size
LIN Cheng;LIU Baolin;LI Xiaohong;SHEN Yafeng;LI Xinglong;Post-doctoral Research Station;Department of Physics;Xiamen University;Xiamen Hualian Electronics Co.;Ltd.;
Influences of the Dimension of Heat Sink on the Temperature of Active Region in Semiconductor Laser
WANG Wen;XU Liuyang;WANA Yunhua;ZHOU Lu;BAI Duanyuan;GAO Xin;BO Baoxue;National Key Lab.on High Power Semiconductor Lasers;Changchun University of Science and Technology;
Influencing Factors of Thermal Conductivity of AlSiC Composite
LIU Meitan;LING Jiahui;LIU Jiacheng;HONG Xiaosong;LI Guoqiang;State Key Lab.of Luminescent Materials and Devices;South China University of Technology;School of Materials Science and Engineering;South China University of Technology;NVC Lighting Technology Corporation;
Simulation and Fabrication of Vertical Spillover Drain Structure of CCD
LEI Renfang;WANG Xiaoqiang;YANG Hong;LV Yubing;ZHENG Yu;LI Limin;Chongqing Optoelectronics Research Institute;
Influence of SnS Shell on Photoluminescence Properties of ZnO/SnS Core/Shell Nanorods
HE Zhaohui;MENG Xiuqing;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Research on Silicon Direct Bonding Using Oxygen Plasma Treatment
ZHANG Kun;LIAO Guanglan;SHI Tielin;NIE Lei;State Key Lab.of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technol.;Huazhong University of Science and Technol.;School of Mechanical Engineering;Hubei University of Technology;
Fabrication and Characterization of p-CuI/n-Si Heterojunction Diodes
XIONG Chao;ZHU Xifang;CHEN Lei;LU Xingzhong;YUAN Hongchun;XIAO Jin;DING Lihua;XU ancheng;School of Photoelectric Engineering;Changzhou Institute of Technology;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;South China University of Technology;
Light Field Distribution of Cylindrical Waveguide of 1D Photonic Crystal
TANG Lei;LIU Qineng;MBA center;Chongqing Technology and Business University;Computer Science and Information Engineering;Chongqing Technology and Business University;
Numerical Simulation on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Heat Pipes
LIAO Huosheng;LIU Xiaokang;MIAO Limei;School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering;South China University of Technology;
Effects of Passivation Materials on Performance of Deep Ultraviolet LEDs
CHEN Wenxin;ZHONG Zhibai;HAN Yanjun;LUO Yi;LIANG Zhaoxuan;Sanan Optoelectronics Co.;Ltd;National Key Lab.of Integrated Optoelectronics/Tsinghua National Lab.for Information Science and Technology;Department of Electronic Engineering;Tsinghua University;NationalKey Lab.of Integrated Optoelectronics/Tsinghua National Lab.for Information Science and Technology;Department of Electronic Engineering;Tsinghua University;
Effect of Heat Treatment Time on Properties of Vanadium Oxide Films
ZHANG Peng;LU Yuan;QIAO Ya;State Key Lab.of Pulsed Power Laser Technology;Key Lab.of Infrared and Low Temperature Plasma of Anhui Province;Electronic Engineering Institute;
Investigation on Absorption Properties of One-dimensional Heterostructure Photonic Crystals Containing Negative Index Materials
SHI Fenghua;HAN Peng;CHEN Yihang;School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering;South China Normal University;
Research on Porous Silicon Preparation for Photonic Crystals
MO Ruihai;LIU Hongli;ZHANG Xuanxiong;Shanghai Key Lab.of Modern Optical System;School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Techonology;Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Science;
Investigation of Surface States of Multilayered Structure Containing Single-negative Metamaterials
ZHENG Jian;HAN Peng;CHEN Yihang;School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering;South China Normal University;
Influence of Impurities on Lattice Vibration in One-dimensional Atomic Chain
JING Weike;ZHANG Yue;HUANG Shihua;Institute of Condensed Matter Physics;Zhejiang Normal University;
A Routing Scheme Based on Ant Colony Probe in Optical Burst Switching Networks
HUANG Sheng;ZHANG Yunshui;WANG Hui;LI Jialiang;WANG Yan;Key Lab.of Optical Fiber Communication Technology;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Design and Characteristic Analysis of Few-mode Fiber Used for Mode Division Multiplexing
XIAO Jian;HU Guijun;DU Yang;LI Gongyu;LI Li;College of Communication Engineering;Jilin University;
A 1.25Gb/s CMOS Transimpedance Amplifier with High Sensitivity and Wide Dynamic Range
ZHANG Shulei;MO Taishan;YE Tianchun;Institute of Microelectronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Simulation Analysis on a Novel Coding Scheme of the Interleaved Type Concatenated Code for Optical Transmission Systems
YE Wenwei;Library;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Analysis of the BER with noise and SRS effects on DWDM system
GAO Xiaohui;LIU Yu;ZHAO Tengyun;FAN Bo;School of Communication and Information Engineering;Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications;School of Electronic Engineering;Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Simulation Study on a New WDM-PON Monitoring Program
LIU Tao;ZHANG Yinfa;PENG Bingbin;WANG Jingyu;ZHANG Sha;Xi’an Communications Institute;Xinjiang Military Area Command Automation Workstation;
Design and Implementation of Embedded Monitoring System
CHEN Yong;ZHANG Hu;ZHANG Kaibi;FANG Zijuan;HUANG Weina;XIE Zhengxiang;Key Lab.of Industrial Internet of Things & Network Control;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Lab.of Biomedical Engineering;Chongqing University of Medical Science;
Seismic Image Reconstruction Based on GPU Acceleration
XU Panxi;ZHANG Dong;SUN Jinyao;School of Physics and Technology;Wuhan University;
Optical Design of Athermalized Infrared Telephoto Objective Lens
LIU Yingying;PANG Bo;DU Yu Nan;WANG Wensheng;Lab.of Contemporary Optical Measuring Technol.;Changchun University of Science and Technology;
A New Camera Calibration Method Based on Projection Matrix
WU Qiong;YUAN Jianying;Department of Computer Science;Su Qian College;National Mobile Communications Research Lab.;Southeast University;School of Mechanical Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;
Face Detection Based on Multi-Features Fusion
CAI Bo;YANG Yan;Physics College of Science and Technology;Wuhan University;
Design of Pyroelectric IRFPA Image Acquisition System
CHENG Yao;YUAN Xianghui;School of Electronic Information and Automation;Chongqing University of Technology;Key Lab.of Optoelectronic Technology and Systems of the Ministry of Education;Chongqing University;
Signal Integrity Analysis of High-speed Wavefront Processor
YANG Haifeng;LI Mei;ZHOU Rui;Institute of Optics and Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;The Key Lab.on Adaptive Optics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Hardware Implementation of Phase Correlation Infrared Image Registration Algorithm
YANG Chenchen;GU Guohua;Gong Zhenfei;CHEN Qian;XU Fuyuan;College of Electric & Optic;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;XI’an Sicong Chuangwei Opto-electronic Co.Ltd.;
Low Contrast Target Recognition in Cluttered Background with Optical Correlation
TAO Yu;MIAO Hua;DU Shuang;WANG Wensheng;Lab.of Contemporary Optical Measuring and Testing Technology;Changchun University of Science and Technology;
Signal Processing Design of FS-MWPCD Minority Carrier Lifetime Measurement System
LI Longliang;CHEN Changying;MO Chenxiao;GAN Xionglong;WEI Qifeng;WANG Guibin;Key Lab.of Optoelectronic Information and Sensing Technologies of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes;Jinan University;
Method of Single Phase Photovoltaic Grid-connected System Islanding Detection Based on Power Disturbance
LI Yuqiang;CHAO Qin;SONG Guobin;School of Electrical Engineering;Xinjiang University;School of Electrical Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Dynamic 3D-Measurement Method of Helicopter Rotor Based on Marked Points
CHEN Dongbin;XIONG Bangshu;HUANG Jianping;ZHAO Pingjun;Key Lab.Nondestructive Test of the Ministry of Education;Nanchang Hangkong University;National Key Lab.Rotorcraft Aerodynamics;China Helicopter Research and Development Institute;Aircraft Design & Research Institute;AVIC Hongdu Aviation Industry Group Co.;LTD.;
Experimental Research on Thickness Measurement of Reflection-type Flat Glass Based on Line Laser
XIAO Changjiang;ZHANG Jingchao;LI Xingyuan;WEI Yong;College of Science;Yanshan University;College of Liren;Yanshan University;