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Semiconductor Optoelectronics
2013 Issue 1
Optical 2-to-4 Level Coding Transform Based on Birefringent XGM of AOA
WANG Chunhua;LIU Tao;LI Li;YU Qingyang
Influence of Light-doped Boron on Optoelectronic Properties of a-Si∶H Films
WANG Luyi;JIANG Xiangdong;SHI Bing
Effects of ICP Pressure on the Surface Damages of Etched AlGaN
ZHOU Xun;TIAN Kun;ZHAO Wenbo;LONG Weigang
Effect of Ce4+-doping on Structural and Photocatalytic Properties of Sol-gel Prepared Titanium Dioxide Thin-Films
ZHANG Lu1;XIE Jian1;LI Guoqiang1;ZHANG Hongliang2
Design of Square-lattice Micro-structured Optical Fiber with Low Loss
DU Hailong1;ZHENG Yi2;DING Chunfeng3
Selfcatalysis Growth of SnO2 Nanowires and Its Photoluminescence Characteristics
LI Yuguo;ZHAI Guangnan;ZHANG Xiaosen;WANG Yu;FANG Xiang
Four-channel Surface Mount High Speed Optocoupler
OU Yi;MA Sihua;XU Daorun;CHEN Chunxia;XIAO Qinghui;CHENG Jingzhe
Research on PV Maximum Power Tracking Method Based on Boost Circuit
FU Zhouxing;JIN Hailiang;LI Zhong
ban dao ti guang dian gao yue
A Design of 850 nm Oxide-confined VCSEL
DING Feng1;2;ZHANG Jing2;WANG PingHong2;TIAN Kun2;ZHAO Kaimei2
Front Control Circuit Design of the Working Point of MZ Modulator
WANG Xiaoli;CHEN Fushen;SUN Bao
Research on Fine Pitch Underfill Process of FPA Ultraviolet Detector
DONG Xufeng;LI Zheng;WANG Yan
Modeling and Simulation of Geometric Distortion Effects in Infrared Staring Imaging
LI Ke;WANG Xuewei;WANG Shili
Photovoltaic Applications and Characterization of Un-doped ZnO Films Prepared by Direct Current Magnetron Sputtering
YANG Zhijun;WANG Bo;ZhANG Jingquan;FENG Lianghuan;WU Lili;LI Wei;LI Bing
An Improved Construction Method of LDPC Codes Based on SCG(4,k) Codes for Optical Communications
YUAN Jianguo;XIE Ya;LIU Wenlong;HUANG Sheng;WANG Yong
Optimization of p-GaN Layers in InGaN-based Green Light Emitting Diodes
HAO Rui1;2;MA Xuejin2;MA Kunwang2;ZHOU Shizhong1;LI Guoqiang1
Research on High Dynamic Demodulation for Optic Displacement Sensors Based on Colour Sensors
WANG Donghui;LIU Lin;ZHANG Bing;LI Bingshi;BAO Yan;ZHANG Chao;ZHENG Puchao
Thermistor Self Heating Compensation Method for Micro Flow Sensor with Thermal Temperature Difference
DAI Fu1;2;GAO Yang2;GUAN Chengqiu1;2;ZHOU Bin1;HE Yi1
Influence of Nitridation Time on the RF-MBE Growth of InN Films Crystalline Structure
GAO Fangliang;GUAN Yunfang;LI Guoqiang
Sensing Properties of the Refractive Index of Coated LPFG Dual Peak Resonance
WEI Shugong1;LIANG Xiqian2;OU Qibiao3;YANG Xiuzeng1;TAN Zuyin3
Study on Compressive Sensing Phase-shifting Digital Holography
MA Jianshe1;XIA Feipeng2;SU Ping1;REN Zhenbo2
Study on the Characteristics of Two-order Soliton Propagation in Nonlinear Optical Lattice
ZHANG Jinggui;LI Yongfan;ZHAO Jinqin
Analysis on Electrical Crosstalk of Silicon PIN Photodiode Array
WANG Wei;WU Wei;BAI Chenxu;FENG Qi;FENG Shijuan;WANG Zhen;CAO Yang
Research on Optical OFDM System Based on MIMO Structure
LIU Quan;YU Lintao;MENG Ying;SHI Lei
Fabrication of Uncooled Infrared Imaging System Based on SOPC
DAI Shaosheng;NIU Daowei
An Interpolation Algorithm for Real Time Processing of Digital Cameras
MA Huaping1;TANG ZunLie2;LIU Shuang1;ZENG Pu1;CHEN Wei1; WEI Guanglu1;LI Ming2;WANG Ying2
RIC Preconditioning Algorithm for Solving Waveguide Problem FEM Linear System
LI Yuehui1;2;NIE Zaiping1;SUN Xiangyang1;ZHANG Xiangqian1
Radiation of Electron-based Crystalline Undulator and Its Stability
LI Xiuping;WANG Shanjin;CHEN Qiong;LUO Shiyu
Design of Antireflection Coatings for Solar Cells
AI Pan;LIU Wen
High-capacity Storage and High-definition Display System for Big Area CCD Camera of High Frame Frequency
LIU Yanyan1;LI Guoning2;HAN Shuangli2;ZHANG Yu2;JIN Longxu2
Research on Automatic Phosphor Coating Process and Equipment
LIU Jie1;LIU Jian1;LENG Xinglong1;QU Furong1;LIU Junbiao2;WU Rufei1
Design and Simulation of UHF RFID Reader Based on AS3992
CHEN Yong;LU Yao
Collimator Calibration Using Rhombic Prism
LIU Bingqi;SHI Yunsheng;YING Jiaju;XU Chunmei