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Semiconductor Optoelectronics
2006 Issue 6
Parallel Processing of Multi-channel Image
QI Xiao-ping;OUYANG Yi-ming;ZHANG Qi-heng;ZHANG Qin-ping
An Improved Nonuniformity Correction Algorithm for IRFPA Based on Neural Network
LI Qing;LIU Shang-qian;WANG Bing-jian;LAI Rui
Remote CCD Image Gathering System Based on Embedded Linux and S3C2410
LIU Chang-ju;DAI Ji-zhi;LONG Zai-chuan;WANG Yong;LI Ying-hui
Optical Fiber Gas Sensor with Absorption Spectrum
DENG Guang-fu;LIU Guang-da;TIAN Lei;MENG Lei;ZHU Ping
A New Adaptive Enhancement Algorithm for Infrared Image
LAI Rui;LIU Shang-qian;WANG Bing-jian;LI Qing
White Organic Electroluminescent Devices with Color-coordinate Stability under Large Driven Currents
ZHANG Xiao-bo;WEI Fu-xiang;LIU Xiang;ZHU Wen-qing;JIANG Xue-yin;ZHANG Zhi-lin
High Performance Organic Light-emitting Devices with a New Kind of Hole Injection Layer Material
LIN Hui;YANG Gang;WANG Jun;JIANG Quan;CHEN Wen-bin;JIANG Ya-dong;CHENG Jian-bo
White Light Devices Fabricated by Using DPVBi Hole Block and Luminous Characters
JIANG Wen-long;DING Gui-ying;WANG Jing;WANG Jin;WANG Li-zhong;HAN Qiang;LIU Shi-yong
Stable Output for Dual-ring Erbium-doped Fiber Laser by Chaotic Control
HUANG Qiong;ZHOU Ping;DONG Hui-ning
A Method for Fabricating Au/n-Al0.3Ga0.7N Lateral Schottky Diodes
CHENG Cai-jing;LU Zheng-xiong;SI Jun-jie;ZHAO Hong-yan;ZHAO Lan;DING Jia-xin;SUN Wei-guo;CHEN Zhi-zhong;ZHANG Guo-yi
Advances in Packaging Design and Research on High-power White LED
CHEN Ming-xiang;LUO Xiao-bing;MA Ze-tao;LIU Sheng
Recent Progress and Application for Deformable Mirrors
XIANG Dong;WANG Qing-ling;ZHANG Guang-yong;LV Tao;ZHANG Xiao-ni
Current Developments of CMOS Image Sensors
CHEN Hui-min;LI Ping;ZHANG Ying-wen;SUN Jian-qiang;LI Kun
A New On-chip Analog-to-digital Conversion Circuit for IRFPA
GAN Wen-xiang;DING Rui-jun;HE Li
Analysis and Simulation for Micro-mirror of MEMS Optical Switch Based on Fractal Theory
ZHANG Yi;LUO Yuan;XU Xiao-dong
An Integrated Optics Electric Field Sensors with Pre-bias Point
HE Jian;ZHENG De-sheng
All-optical Switch Based on Two-dimensional Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Waveguide
LUO Zhao-ming;SUN Jun-qiang;LIU Jing
Theory and Experiment on Linear Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating with Amplitude and Phase Samplings
SHI Xiao-ming;ZHANG Ye-jin;CHEN Xiang-fei;GUO Shu-xu;XIE Shi-zhong
Numerical Simulation Calculation on Spectral Response of Silicon PIN Photodiode
ZHANG Zhuo-xun;DAN Wei;WANG Bo;XIANG Yong-jun;ZHAO Shan;LU Qing
Parameter Optimization Measuring Nonlinear Kerr Coefficient Using Self-aligned Interferometer
LIU Bing;YU Chong-xiu;JI Hua;XIN Xiang-jun;ZENG Jun-ying
New Type Intellectualized Laser Power Meter
Photoluminescence Performance of Zn2+-Diffused Porous Silicon
ZHANG Yu-juan;JIA Zhen-hong;TU Chu-zhe
Optimization of Contact Resistance of GaN Blue LED Electrodes
PEI Feng-li;CHEN Bing-ruo;CHEN Chang-qing
Optical Characteristics of Si Films by Ar Assisted Electron Beam Evaporation Deposition
SHU Xiong-wen;XU Chen;TIAN Zeng-xia;SHEN Guang-di
New Design of Temperature Control and Vacuum Systems for Liquid Phase Epitaxy
GUO Liang;LIU Hong-bin;LIU Kai;ZHANG Yong
Synthesis and Properties on Novel Conjugated Poly-schiff Base as Blue Luminescent Materials
LIU Wei-jun;LI Jian-li;XIONG Guo-xuan;HUANG Hai-qing;SU Zhong-liu
Polarization Properties of One-dimensional Photonic Crystal
LIU Qi-neng
Noise in Generation of Photon Pairs in Highly Nonlinear Fiber and Its Suppression
ZENG Jun-ying;SANG Xin-zhu;YU Chong-xiu;LIU Yun-xia
Light-weighting Design of Optics Bench in Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer
TAO Jin-ping;CHU Heng-jun;HUA Jian-wen;WANG Mo-chang
Effect of Vibrations on Moving Vehicle and Applied Research on Passive Vibrations Isolation
AN Yuan;XU Hui;JIN Guang;SHI Lei;WANG Jun
Simulating Turbulence Method of the Atmosphere Scene Simulator
GAN Xin-ji;GUO Jin;FU You-yu;WANG Ting-feng;CHENG Shou-guo
Optical Network Security and Topology Aggregation Method
Performance Analysis on Novel OPS with Output Optical Buffers
YANG Jun-Jie;ZHANG Hao;ZENG Qing-ji
Multiple Important Sampling and Its Application in First Order Polarization Mode Dispersion Emulator
YIN Ya-fang;FANG Qiang;YANG Yi;LIU Yu;LIU Ji-hong
Design and Optimization of Photonic Crystal Fiber with Flat Chromatic Dispersion and Large Mode Area
LIU Zhao-lun;LIU Xiao-dong;LI Shu-guang;ZHOU Gui-yao;HOU Lan-tian
Numerical Study of Optical Comb Filter by One-dimensional Multilayer Photonic Crystal
TANG Bing-shu;LIU Li-li;YIN Gong-wei;ZHOU Yan-wei;SHEN Ting-gen
Fabrication of New-type Organic Micro-cavity Blue-emitting Diodes
CHENG Dong-ming;MA Feng-ying;GUO Mao-tian;DUAN Zhi-yong
Thermal Analysis of High Power LED Array Packaging with Microchannel Cooler
YUAN Liu-lin;LIU Sheng;CHEN Ming-xiang;LUO Xiao-bing