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Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
2004 Issue S1
Cryogenic Weathering Force on the Fill Slope Firmness
N.N. Grib; V.M. Nikitin; S.S. Pavlov Yakutsk State University; NerungryTown; Sakha Republic; Russia)
Freezing and Thawing of Mortar as a Pseudo-Rock Material
TakashiOno~; Yusuke Abe~
Numerical Studies on Critical Height of Embankment for Gravel Road Surface in Permafrost Regions
ZHANG Ming-yi; LAI Yuan-ming; ZHANG Jian-ming; QI Ji-lin
Numerical Studies for Insulation Application to Embankment of Qinghai-Tibetan Railway
WEN Zhi~1; SHENG Yu; MA Wei; QI Ji-lin; WU Ji-chun
Comparison of the Cooling Effect of the Horizontal and Triangular Gravel Embankments in Permafrost Areas
JIANG Fan; LIU Shi; WANG Hai-gang; CHEN Huan-zhuo
Soil Cryogenic Structures and Their Implications for Land Use in Alaska
C.L Ping~; M.T. Jorgeson~; Y.L. Shur~
Process of Frost Heave and Characteristics of Frozen Fringe
HE Ping~1; BING Hui~1; ZHANG Zhao~2; YANG Cheng-song~1
Characteristics of Influence of the Content Salts on the Frozen Soils Strength
L.T. Roman~; V. I. Aksenov~; E.G. Veretehina~
Experiment Research of Saline Soil Hydraulic Parameters
DENG Yousheng~1; HE Ping~1; ZHOU Cheng-lin~1; ZHANG Zhao~2
Research in the Field of Salt in Freezing Soils
BING Hui; HE Ping; YANG Cheng-song
Freeze-Thaw Experiment Influence on Moisture Content Distrution of Soil
YANG Cheng-song; HE Ping; CHENG Guodong; GU Tongxin
Numerical Simulation Analysis of Adjustable Ventilated Embankment of Qinghai-Tibet Railway
LI Guo-yu~; LI Ning~; QUAN Xiao-juan~
Research on Boundary Conditions in Ventilated Embankment in Qinghai-Tibet Railway
QUAN Xiao-juan~; LI Ning~; SU Bo~; LI Guo-yu~
Model Experiment Study on Maintaining Stability of Frozen Subgrade by Collecting-Controlling Cold Energy
LIU Zhi-qiang~; ZHOU Guo-qing~; MA Wei~; NIU Fu-jun~; BIE Xiao-yong~
A Study of Artificial Cryogenesis Technology of Fluvial Filled-up Massifs and the Development of Appropriate Mining Technology
A. Vorobiev~; S. Cheburashkin~ ; Moscow; Russia; 2. Norilsk Industrial Institute ; Norilsk; Russia)
Management of Stability of Pile-Foundation Buildings in Service
Vladimir P. Vlasov
Freeze and Heave Studies on Transbaikalia Railway Embankments
V.M. Ulitsky; A.G. Shashkin; S.A. Kudryvtsev; M.B. Lisyuk
Temperature Field Evolvement of Qinghai-Tibetan Railway Embankment upon Gathering and Controlling Natural Cold Energy with Tilt Pipes
ZHOU Guo-qing~; BIE Xiao-yong~; LIU Zhi-qiang~; ZHOU Jin-sheng~; WANG Jiang-zhou~
Accumulation of Natural Cold in Coarse-Detrital Deposits as a Prospect of Economic Use
Aldar P.Gorbunov; Edward V.Severskiy
Technique for Thermal Stabilization of Soils at Bases of Structures in Permafrost Regions
Refik M. Bayasan~; Anatoly G. Korotchenko~; Anatoly D. Lobanov~; Grigory P. Pustovoit~
A New Structure of Roadbed-Abutment Transition Part on Permafrost
LIU Jian-kun~; BAO Wei-meng~; BAO Li-ming~; GE Jian-jun~
Influence of Permafrost Conditions on Gas Mains Stability in Cryolithozone
M. Fokeeva; E. Radina
Heat Pump Applications in Permafrost Engineering
Sergei Guly
The Oil Contamination Influence on Heat Transfer in Frozen Soils
Zhuravlev Igor Igorevich; Motenko Rimma Grigoryevna
Study of the Right-Bank Contiguity of the Dam at the Vilyui Hydroelectric Power Plant
S.A. Velikin; A.M. Snegirev
Experimental Study on Settlement of Embankment over Permafrost along Qinghai-Tibetan Railway
ZHANG Jian-ming; ZHANG Ming-yi; ZHU Yuan-lin; JIANG Guan-li
Application and Technical Applicability of Riprap Subgrade in Qinghai-Tibet Railway
LI Ning; BAO Li-ming; GE Jian-jun
Stability Analysis Methods for Evaluating Landslide of Thaw-slumping in Permafrost Regions
NIU Fu-jun~;JIN De-wu~;MA Wei~;WEN Zhi~
Treatment of Railway Roadbed Diseases in Permafrost Regions
LI Ying-wu
Testing and Analysis of Earth Pressure about L-type Retaining Wall in Qinghai-Tibet Railway
LIANG Bo~; WANG Jia-dong~; GE Jian-jun~; CAO Yuan-ping~
Dynamic Analysis the Groundwater of Daban Mountain Tunnel and Valuation the Function of the Tunnel
DENG You-sheng~1; HE Ping~1; ZHOU Cheng-lin~1; LIU Hong-jin; LI yong-fu; MA Zhong-ying~2; LIU Guo-yu~3
Frozen Soil Classification Based on Granulometric Types
Igor E. Guryanov
Role of Vegetation and Climate in Permafrost Active Layer Depth in Arctic Tundra of Northern Alaska and Canada
Alexia M. Kelley~;Howard E. Epstein~;Donald A. Walker~ Alaska Geobotany Center; Institute of Arctic Biology; University of Alaska; Fairbanks; Alaska 99775; USA)
Study of Mercury Compounds Behaviour in Techno- genous Rock Massifs of Cryolitozone
D.M. Shesternyov; S.B. Tataurov
Study on Techniques for Slope Protection along Qinghai-Tibet Highway
CHEN Ji-ding ~; HE Zi-wen~; FANG Hai~; LI Qi-jun~
The Use of Geophysical Methods to Discriminate between Brine Layers and Freshwater Taliks in Permafrost Regions
Kenji Yoshikawa~1; Vladimir Romanovsky~2; Nataria Duxbury~3; Jerry Brown~4; Alexandre Tsapin~3
Development of Melting Probes for Exploring Ice Sheets and Permafrost Layers
Norbert I. Kmle; Melanie Treffer; Günter Kargl; Erika Kaufmann; Manfred Steller