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Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
2004 Issue 4
Advance on Application of Isotopic Techniques in Water Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions
wu jin kui ; ding yong jian ; wang gen xu ; shen yong ping
Application of Heat-pulse Technique to Determine the Stem Sap Flow of Populus euphratica
si jian hua ; feng qi ; zhang xiao you
Interzone Water Consumption from Four Source Streams to Mainstream of Tarim River, Xinjiang, in 2002
wang shun de ; li hong de ; hu lin jin ; su hong chao ; cao xiao li ; sun ben guo ; li chun mei ; mao zuo zuo ; wang jin
Streamflow Regime of Four Source Streams and Mainstream of Tarim River, Xinjiang, in 2000
mao zuo zuo ; chen chao ; duan jian jun ; su hong chao ; wang shu feng ; wang jin ; ge fang yong
The Progresses of Studies on Antifreeze Proteins
wu jian min ; xing hua ; zhao zhi guang ; an li zhe
Microbial-Mediated Methane Cycle in Soils and Global Change:A Review
feng hu yuan ; cheng guo dong ; an li zhe
Environmental Evolvement and Human Activity Impact in the Late Holocene on the North Slopes of the Tianshan Mountains, China
yan shun ; mu gui jin ; kong zhao zuo ; ni jian ; yang zhen jing
Detecting the Displacement Field of Thaw Settlement by Means of SAR Interferometry
li zhen ; li xin wu ; liu yong zhi ; ren zuo
Simulative Study of Water-Heat Process in the Tibetan Plateau (Ⅰ):Soil Moisture
zhang shi qiang ; ding yong jian ; lu jian ; liu shi yin
Permafrost Temperature Regime:Study Method and Applied Analysis
li shu xun ; wu tong hua
Comparative Study of the Characteristics of Leaf Morphological Structure of Leontopodium leontopodiodes (Compositae)for Three Elevations at the Source Area of the (U)rümqi River
an li zhe ; dai zuo ling ; chen tuo ; xu shi jian ; zhang man xiao ; liu yan hong ; cheng guo dong
Study on the Observation of Delamination Frost-Heave Amount
chen ji ; cheng guo dong ; zhang xi fa
Effects of Damping on Vibration of Long Span Bridge under Moving Vehicles
zhao fa zhang ; wang jie jun
Water Migration and Variation in the Subgrade Soils of Expressway in Seasonally Frozen Ground Regions
zhang xi fa ; xin de gang ; zhang dong qing ; wang xue rui
Characteristics of Micro-tremor in Seasonally Frozen Ground
qi ji lin ; li hai peng ; lai yuan ming ; zhu yuan lin
Effect of Soil Nutrient on the Characteristic Curves of Soil Freezing and Thawing
chen xiao fei ; du yang ; ma wei ; zhang yu long ; li hong sheng ; xu zu
Three-dimensional Temperature Character Analysis of the Land Bridge on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway
xiao jian zhang ; lai yuan ming ; zhang xue fu ; yu wen bing ; zhang shu juan
Humidity Effect and Its Influence on Seasonal Distribution of δ18O in Precipitation
zhang xin ping ; yao tan dong ; tian li de ; liu jing zuo