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Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
2004 Issue 3
huai nian jie chu de dong tu gong cheng xue jia liu hong xu tong zhi
cheng guo dong ; zhu yuan lin
Monitoring Results of Glacier Changes in China Karakorum and Muztag Ata-Konggur Mountains by Remote Sensing
shang guan dong hui ; liu shi yin ; ding yong jian ; ding liang fu
Calculation of Discharge of Debris Flow Induced by Glacier Lake Outburst
chen xiao qing ; chen ning sheng ; cui peng
An Experimental Study of Grassland Evapotranspiration in the Mountain Watershed of the Hei River Basin
song ke chao ; kang er zuo ; jin bo wen ; zhang zhi hui
Application of Local Modeling Method to the Monthly Runoff Prediction in the Upper Yellow River
lan yong chao ; wang shu gong ; ding yong jian ; ma jian hua ; zhao chang rui ; cao chun zuo
Modeling the Response of Runoff to Climate Change
zeng tao ; hao zhen chun ; wang jia hu
An Experimental Research on the Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Saline Soil
deng you sheng ; he ping ; zhou cheng lin
Numerical Analysis of the Critical Height of Railway Embankment in Permafrost Regions of the Tibetan Plateau
zhang ming yi ; zhang jian ming ; lai yuan ming
Variation of Glaciers Studied on the Basis of RS and GIS--A Reassessment of the Changes of the Xinqingfeng and Malan Ice Caps in the Northern Tibetan Plateau
liu shi yin ; shang guan dong hui ; ding yong jian ; han hai dong ; zhang yong ; wang jian ; xie chang wei ; ding liang fu ; li gang
Review and Prospects of Quaternary Glaciation Research in China
li ji jun ; shu qiang ; zhou shang zhe ; zhao zhi jun ; zhang jian ming
Quaternary Glaciations and Environment Change in the A'nyêmaqên Mountains
deng xiao feng ; liu shi yin ; ding yong jian ; shen yong ping ; zhao lin ; xie chang wei
Variation of Glaciers in Response to ENSO in the Mount Yulong
zhang zhong lin ; he yuan qing ; pang hong xi
Borehole Temperature at the Ice-core Drilling Site in the Muztag Ata Glacier, East Pamirs
li zhen ; yao tan dong ; tian li de ; xu bai qing ; zuo guang jian ; zhu guo cai
Geological Records of Climate and Environment Changes during the Holocene in the Nam Co Lake and Its Adjacent Areas
wu zhong hai ; zhao xi tao ; wu zhen han ; wu xiao chun ; zhou chun jing ; yan fu hua ; zhu da gang
Interdecadal Oscillation of Temperature in the Antarctic Peninsula in the Last 100 Years
bian lin gen ; wang jin xing ; lin xue chun ; lu long zuo
Glacier Variation in the Pumqu Basin Derived from Remote Sensing Data and GIS Technique
jin rui ; che tao ; li xin ; wu li zong
Variation of the Glacier No.1 at the Headwaters of the (U)rümqi River in the Tianshan Mountains during the Past 42 Years and Its Trend Prediction
jiao ke qin ; jing zhe fan ; han tian ding ; yang hui an ; ye bai sheng ; li zhong qin