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Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
2002 Issue 4
Learning Organization and Construction of Eco-economy Research Group
shi hui chun ; cheng guo dong ; xu zhong min ; zhang zhi qiang ; zhang bo
Characteristics and Future Speculation of the Urban Systems in Hexi Region
zhang zhi bin ; zhang xiao ping
Sustainable Development of Urban in the Eastern Fringe of the Tibetan Plateau
wang lu cang ; shi pei ji
The TM/ETM+Mosaic Image Processing and Application in the Heihe River Basin
ma ming guo ; jiao zuo mei ; wang xue mei ; cheng guo dong
Economy Impact Analysis of PingChuan Country Based on Social Accounting Matrix
xu zhong min ; chen dong jing
Review of Indicators and Methodologies for Measuring Sustainable Development and Their Applications
zhang zhi qiang ; cheng guo dong ; xu zhong min
Synthetic Assessment of Eco-environment in the West of Hunan Province Based on Quantitative Grid Data
xie bing geng ; li xiao qing ; lv hui hong ; he qu fu
Analysis on Marginal Revenues Model of Water Resource Spacial Balanced Allocation--Take Zhangye Prefecture as a Case
long ai hua ; xu zhong min ; zhang zhi qiang ; wang jin feng ; su zhi yong
Fundamental Ecological Economics Study on the Carrying Capacity of Water Resources in Heihe River Watershed
su zhi yong ; xu zhong min ; zhang zhi qiang ; chen dong jing ; long ai hua ; zhang bo
Mathematical Model of Niche Construction for Desert Vegetation and Its Applications
li zi zhen ; hui cang ; xu zhong min ; liu fa ming