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Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
2000 Issue 1
State and Progress of Research on the Frozen Fringe and Frost Heave Prediction Models
li ping ; xu xue zu ; chen feng feng
Developing of a Broadband Ultrasonic Transducer for Frozen Soils
peng wan wei ; yuan yi quan
Application of Time-Domain-Refiectometer to Researching Moisture Variation in Active Layer on the Tibetan Plateau
wang shao ling ; yang mei xue ; xiao chi jun xiong ; zhao lin
Analyses of Deformation in Frozen Clayey Soils
wang gen xu ; cheng guo dong ; liu guang xiu ; xu zhong min
Contamination of Acetic and Formic Acids in Water and Its Implications for the Study of Carboxylic Acids in Snow and Ice
yao tan dong ; sun wei zhen ; pu jian chang ; tian li de ; jiao ke qin
The Features of Landscape Ecology and the Landscape Ecological Process in High-Asia Periglacial Regions
cui zhi jiu ; yang jian fu ; liu geng nian ; song guo cheng ; wang zuo
The Influence of ENSO Event on the Modern δ18O on the Guliya Ice Core
liu la shan ; ren jia wen
Reconstruction of A 1 835 a Past Climate for Dulan, Qinghai Province, Using Tree-Ring
jiao ke qin ; wang chun zu ; han tian ding
China Scientific Expedition on Lancang River Source about Glaciology
li hong sheng ; yue qian jin ; zheng jing ming ; zhu yuan lin
Quaternary Glaciation and Glacier Evolution in the Yulong Mount, Yunan
ma wei ; zhu yuan lin ; ma wen zuo ; chang xiao xiao
Macro-Microanalyses for Ductile-Brittle Transition on Sea Ice Strength
li xin qing ; qin da he ; ren jia wen ; zhou hui