Glaciation Sequences in the Kunlunshan Pass Area
WU Yongqiu1; CUl Zhijiu; LIU Gengnian2; GE Daokai2;(l Open Research Laboratory of Environmental Changes and Natural Disaster of State of Education Commission;Institute of ResourceSciences; Beijing Normal University; Beijing 100875;2 Department of Geograph
800-year CH4 Record in Dunde Ice Core
XU Baiqing; YAO Tandong; TIAN Lide; HUO Wenmian;DUAN Keqin1 J. Chappellaz2(l Laboratory of Ice Core and Cold Regions Environment; LIGG; CAS; Lanzhou 730000; 2 Laboratoire of Glaciologie etGeophysique de I’ Environnement; BP 96; 38402 St Martin d’Heres Ce