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Journal of Ankang University
2009 Issue 3
The Urgent-Protection of the Local Oper-Handiao'erhuang in Ankang
LIANG Weihua;LIU Zezheng
To Analyze on Chen's Viewpoint of War with His philosophical Thought
LIU Chunxia;PI Yunhua
Some Thoughts of Constructing the New Socialist Rural Culture
SUN Hongjian
On the Reasons of Village Leaders'Role-Imbalance in the New Era
LI Zhijun;XU Chuangzhou
Analysis on the Nature of Planning Administration
Analysis on the Object and Impersonality in Major Accidents
ZHOU Yuwen
The Relation between the Local Accent and the local Culture
LIU Hongmei;CHEN Xiao
Jin Yong'S Novels and Go Culture
ZHAO Yanling
On The Neighborhood Relationship in Song Dynasty
Li Dexin
The Generalization of Bellman Inequality
Chen Huiru
Comment on the Astringency of Improper Integral
The Properties of Positive Implicative BCK-Algebra
LI Bing
The Distribution of Floods in Ankang Region in the Qing Dynasty
ZHANG Jian;CAO Zhihong
To Strengthen the Major of Teaching with Local Curriculums
ZHU Fusheng;WANG Ying
Reconsideration of the Roles of Logic
WEN Xiyong
Law Practice Teaching Research System
Jiang Junhui
Practical Writing-an Interactive Class
NIU Xuchun
Memetics and the Teaching of English Pragmatics
Researching on the P. E. Teachers of Ankang Primary and Secondary School
CHENG Zhiqiang;LI Yangjun;JIA Xidong