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Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Metallurgy and Technology
2008 Issue 1
Bible and Shakespeare
NIE Zhao-hui
Developing Modern Agriculture and Prospering Rural Economy
SUN Bang-guo
New Slag Detection Device Is Applied in MaSteel Slab Caster
CAI Zhi-jun;LI yi-xin
Simulink Simulation of RBF network PID Controlle Based on S-function
LI Shao-ming;ZHAO Wei
The Situation of Serious Disorders and Trentment of the No.10 BF of First Iron-smelting Plant at Masteel
ma liang ; fang liang ; wu gang ; ding bin bin ; nie xiao min
Quantitative Analysis on Precipitate Phase of H Shaped- steel
cheng xiao zuo ; pan yi ting ; lu jun ; zhao li li
Application of Preconcentration Technology in Ore Beneficiation
QIAN Shi-hu;ZHAO Wen-hua
Prediction and Control of Oxygen Content in Liquid Steel
ZHOU Zhi-yong
Discussing the Important Principle of Audit
DAI Mei-xia
Logistics Model Research of Iron and Steel Enterprises
DU Yi-feng;SUN Chao-tai
Key Role of Distance Education in Lifelong Learning
GENG Bai-qi
Application of Intuition Thinking in Images in High School Physics Teaching
QIU Ting-Fang;HUANG Shi-zhong