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Journal of Anhui Science and Technology University
2005 Issue 1
Discussion on the Statement "Debate on Poem and Prose" in Mid -Ming Dynasty Poetry
chen chang yun ; li kai xuan
On the Status quo and Trends of Rhythmic Gymnastics in China
JING Wei-ling
On the Construction of Library Human Resources
YOU Gen-ling
On the Lmprouement of Audit Quality in social Auditing
GONG Zhi-ping
Inquiry on Zhang Naiqi Rural Economy Thoughts
li qiang ; liao de ming
On the Cultiuation of College Student Ethos
liu zhao ming ; shang lei
Teachers Should Improue Their Teaching Levels to the Height of Arts
zhang shan ; li sen lin
Design and Research of Web Information System Based on LDAP
WANG Lei;ZHANG Jiong-ming
Conductometric Titration: Quick and Systemic Analysis of Macro Barium Ion
FANG Yan-xi;ZHU Jin-kun
Circuit Design of Environment friendly Total Automatic Hand-dryers
ZHA Zheng-wei;LIU Chun-li;DUAN Sheng-yue
An Improved Method of Extraction of Caffeine From Tea
CHEN Zhong-ping;CHEN Jun-hua;LI Shao-jun;SONG Chang-chun;ZHAO Da-you
Cause Analysis on the Reduction of Amphibian Fauna
gao guo zhu ; wu xiao bing
Study on the Flora of Dalbergia hupeana Community in the Huangfushan of Anhui Province
WANG Xiao-peng;GAO Lin;XU Ru-song
Study on Fauna of Amphibians and Reptiles in Huangfu Mountain Preservation
BAO Fang-yin;WANG Song;YANG Wei-lai;CUI Feng
Study on the Biological Character of the Wild Pasqueflower in Fengyang
SHI Wei-jing;ZHANG Zi-xue
Research Progress of Wuta- cai in China
SHU Ying-jie;ZHOU Yu-li
Effects of Copper Added to Diets on Copper、 Zinc and Manganese of Mice's Livers and Serum
WANG Ming-gen;ZHANG Ming;XU Ji-mei;LU Jin-fang
Curative Effect of Kang QiuHuang and DuQiu to Artifical Infect Chicken Coccidiosis
JIANG Yun-li;JIN Guang-ming;JIANG Bei-bei
Observation of Immune Effect of Astragalus Polysaccharids on the IBD of Chicks
JIN Guang-ming;LIN Xiao-dong;ZHEN Chang-cai