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Journal of Anhui University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
2005 Issue 6
Reflections on Some Ethical Issues of Computer Software
ZHONG Xiao-ming
Organization Communicative Metaphor in Image Schema
HU He-ning
The New Way of Making Statement of Cash Flow
LI Xiao-lin;HUANG Chao
The Transformation of Corporate Strategy: from Exterior to Interior
CHENG Shi-dong;CHEN Qing
Bertrand Paradox, Consumers' Switching Cost and Marketing Lock-in
GAO Wei-he;WANG Zhen-guo
20 shi ji mo zhong guo wen xue tui fei zhu yi si chao xu
zheng bo nong
The Spirit and Energy of the Pian-wen Prose
CHENG Mei-hua
Reflections on The Collective Works of Luo Chang-ming: Poems
LUO Ji-chong;LU Ye-hua
Liu Xie's View of "QingCai" and His Aesthetic Ideal
CHU Chun-yuan
The Origin of the Buddhist Preaching Songs
ZOU Yan-ling
On the Taoist Rule Culture
A Taoist Review of Ritual: A Study of Lao Zi's Ritual Theory
LU Jian-hua;SUN Yi-kai