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Chinese Forestry Science and Technology
2003 Issue 3
higher education on urban forestry in europe: an overview
ANDERSEN FRODE KONUNENDIJK CECIL C. RANDRUP THOMAS B. Skov & Landskab. Danish Forest and Landscape Research InstituteHorsholm Kongevej 11. DK-2970 Horsholm. Denmark Corresponding author
overview of rattan plantation management
YANG Jinchang YIN Guangtian XU Huangcan LI Rongsheng YANG HuaResearch Institute of Tropical forestry. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Guangzhou 510520. P.R.China
a check of polypores on larix in northeast china
WEI Yulian DAI Yucheng YU Changjun Institute of Applied Ecology. Chinese Academv of SciencesShenyang 110016. China Graduate School. Chinese Academy of Sciences Beiiine 100039. China
interpolating topographic and climatic data for spatial analysis of environment in china
YAN HongResearch Institute of Forestry. Chinese Academy of Forestry Beiiine 100091. P.R. China
monitor forest fires with fy serial satellites
YAO Shuren WANG Mingyu SHU Lifu TIAN Xiaorui LI JieInstitute of Forest Protection. Chinese Academy of Forestryfire @forestry; ac. cn Forest fire manaeement office. State Forestry Administration
progress in research of bacteria fertilizer strengthening resistance of plants
DING Mingming LIANG Jun QU Zhiwei ZHANG Xingyao North-west Science Technology University of Agriculture and ForestryYangling 712100. Shaanxi. P.R. China Research Institute of Forest Ecologv.Environment and Protection of CAF. Beiiine 100091. P.R. China
the spring change in hydraulic architecture characteristics in some woody plants
LI Jiyue LIU Xiaoyan ZHAI Hongbo College of Resources and Environment. Beijing Forestry UniversityBeijing 100083. P.R. China Key Laboratory of Research on Silviculture and Eco-system in Arid and Semi-arid Region National Forestry Bureau. Beiiine 100083. P.R China
review of researches in terrestrial ecosystem services theories and methods
LI Shaoning WANG Bing ZHAO Guangdong CUI Xianghui BAI XiulanResearch Institution of Forest Ecology; Environment and Protection CAF. Beiiine 100091.P.R. China
a study on chemical compositions and fiber characteristics of two sympodial bamboos
FENG Wenying WANG Zheng GUO Wenjing China National Pulp and paper Research InstituteBeijing 100020. P.R.China Research Institute of Wood Industry. CAF.Beiiine 100091. P.R.China
measurement models of forest biodiversity variation and its controlling study in china
ZHANG YingCollege of Economics and Management; Beijing Forestry University Beijing 100083. P. R. China
state of further processing of tropical timber in china
ZHANG Songdan FU FengState Forestry Administration . Beijing 100714. China Research Institute of Wood Industry; CAF . Beiiine 100091. China
effects of different hardeners on the working properties and bonding strength of urea-formaldehyde adhesives
YIN Suzhou TANG Chanjuan HAN ShuguangCollege of Wood Science and Technology. Nanjing Forestry University Naniine 210037. P. R. China