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Agricultural Science&Technology
2007 Issue 1
Three kinds of new pathogenies of gout in poultry
Wen Lixin Ding Xiaobo;and Yuan Hui College of Veterinary;Hunan Agricultural University;Changsha 410128; China
T YOU 6135
Isolation of the drought up-regulated gene in Alternanthera philoxeroides by differential display technique
Gao Jianming; Xiao Qiang; Yin Liang;and He Guangyuan China-UK HUST-RRes Genetic Engineering Genomics Joint Laboratory; Huazhong University of Science & Technology ; Wuhan 430074; China
Review on hygienical components of sweet potato and their functions
Liu Chao;Wang Zheng; Lan Shile;and Dong Lei College of Bioscience and Biotechnology;Hunan Agricultural University;Changsha 410128;China
Feng You 416
tou gao xu zhi
multi-variable grey model (mgm(1,n,q)) based on genetic algorithm and its application in urban water consumption
Yan Han;and Shi Guoxu School of Civil & Hydraulic Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China