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Current Zoology
2010 Issue 6
Leaf choice in black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus bieti is related to the physical and chemical properties of leaves
Zhipang HUANG~;Sheng HUO~;Shuguo YANG~;Liangwei CUI~;Wen XIAO~ 1 Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity Research;Dali University;Dali 671000;Yunnan;China 2 Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control in Yunnan Province;Southwest Forestry University;Kunming;650224;China 3 Kunming Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Kunming 650223;China
CURRENT ZOOLOGY Vol.56{2010} Index
Information for Authors
Karyological and morphometric variation of the North African green frog Pelophylax saharicus (Anura) in northeastern Africa
Nabil AMOR~;Sarra FARJALLAH~1;Slim Ben-YacouB~3;Paolo MEPELLA~4;Khaled SAID~1 1Unité de Recherche:Génétique;Biodiversité et Valorisation des Bioressources UR/09-30;Institut Supérieur de Biotechnologie de Monastir;Tunisia 2 Dipartimento di Biologia Strutturale e Funzionale;Università di Napoli Federico Ⅱ;Via Cinthia 8;80126 Naples;Italy 3 Laboratory of Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems Ecology. University BADJI Mokhtar Annaba;Algeria 4 Sezione di Parassitologia e Malattie Parassitarie Dipartimento di Biologia Animale;Università degli Studi di Sassar;Sardaigne
Activity budget of Rhinopithecus bieti at Tibet:Effects of day length,temperature and food availability
Zuofu XIANG~;Sheng HUO~3;Wen XIAO~3 1 College of Life Science and Technology;Central South University of Forestry and Technology;Changsha 410004;China 2 Kunming Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Kunming 650229;Yunnan;China 3 Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity Research;Dali University;Dali 671000;Yunnan;China
Demography and dynamics of mountain nyala Tragelaphus buxtoni in the Bale Mountains National Park,Ethiopia
Yosef MAMO~1;Michelle A. PINARD~2;Afework BEKELE~ 1 Hawassa University;Department of Wildlife and Eco-tourism;PO Box 5;Hawassa;Ethiopia 2 University of Aberdeen;Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences;Aberdeen;AB24 3UU;UK 3 Addis Ababa University;Department of Biology;PO Box 1176;Addis Ababa;Ethiopia
Neurobiology of mammalian olfactory learning that occurs during sensitive periods
Hideto KABA~*Department of Physiology;Kochi Medical School;Nankoku;Kochi 783-8505;Japan
Sources and significance of variation in basal,summit and maximal metabolic rates in birds
Andrew E. MCKECHNIE~;David L. SWANSON~1 DST/NRF Centre of Excellence at the Percy FitzPatnck Institute;Department of Zoology and Entomology;University of Pretoria;Pretoria 0002;South Africa 2 Department of Biology;University of South Dakota;Vermillion;SD 57069;USA
Flank gland-secreted putative chemosignals pertaining to photoperiod,endocrine states,and sociosexual behavior in golden hamsters
Ying-Juan LIU~;Da-Wei WANG~1;Lixing SUN~4;Jin-Hua ZHANG~1;Jian-Xu ZHANG~ 1 State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents in Agriculture;Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beichenxi Rd1-5;Beijing 100101;China 2 School of Life Science;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China 3 School of Biological Sciences;Beijing Forestry University;Beijing 100083;China 4 Department of Biological Sciences;Central Washington University;Ellensburg WA 98926-7537;USA
Understanding the basic biology underlying the flavor world of children
Julie A. MENNELLA~*;Alison K. VENTURAMonell Chemical Senses Center;3500 Market Street;Philadelphia;PA 19104;USA
Redox physiology in animal function:The struggle of living in an oxidant environment
David COSTANTINI~*Division of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Faculty of Biomedical and Life Sciences;University of Glasgow;Graham Kerr Building;Glasgow G12 8QQ;UK
On the intraspecific variability in basal metabolism and the food habits hypothesis in birds
F. BOZINOVIC~;P. SABAT~ 1Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Biodiversity;LINC-Global;and Departamento de Ecología;Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas;Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile;Santiago;CP 6513677;Chile 2 Departamento de Ciencias Ecológicas;Facultad de Ciencias;Universidad de Chile;CP 653;Santiago;Chile
Telomeres:Linking stress and survival,ecology and evolution
Mark F. HAUSSMANN~*;Nicole M. MARCHETTO Department of Biology;Bucknell University;Lewisburg;PA 17837;USA
Roles of the main olfactory and vomeronasal systems in the detection of androstenone in inbred strains of mice
Vera V. VOZNESSENSKAYA~;Maria A. KLYUCHNIKOVA~1;Charles J. WYSOCKI~2 1 A.N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology & Evolution RAS;Moscow 119071;Russia 2 Monell Chemical Senses Center;3500 Market Street;Philadelphia;PA 19104;USA
Loss of CO2 sensing by the olfactory system of CNGA3 knockout mice
Jinlong HAN~;Minmin LUO~ 1 National Institute of Biological Sciences;Beijing 102206 China 2 College of Life Sciences;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Behavioral and physiological flexibility are used by birds to manage energy and support investment in the early stages of reproduction
Franois VZINA~;Katrina G. SALVANTE~2 1 Département de Biologie;chimie et géographie;Groupe de recherche sur les environnements nordiques BORAS;Université du Québec à Rimouski;300 Allée des Ursulines;Rimouski;Québec;Canada;G5L 3A1 2 Department of Biological Sciences;Simon Fraser University;8888 University Drive;Burnaby;BC;Canada;V5 A 1S6
Spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblages in a subtropical small stream of the Huangshan Mountain
Yunzhi YAN~;Shan HE~1;Ling CHU~1;Xiuying XIANG~1;Yanju JIA~2;Juan TAO~3;Yifeng CHEN~3 1 College of Life Sciences;Anhui Nonnal University; Provincial Key Laboratory of Biotic Environment and Ecological Safety inAnhui;Wuhu 241000;Anhui;China 2 College of Biological Science and Engineering;Hebei University of Economics and Business;Shijiazhuang 050061;China 3 Institute of Hydrobiology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Wuhan 430072;China
Application of heat shock protein expression for detecting natural adaptation and exposure to stress in natural populations
Jesper Givskov SφRENSEN~*National Environmental Research Institute;Aarhus University;Department of Terrestrial Ecology;Vejlsφvej 25;P.O. Box 314;DK-8600 Silkeborg;Denmark
Covariation between personalities and individual differences in coping with stress:Converging evidence and hypotheses
Claudio CARERE ~;Doretta CARAMASCHI~2;Tim W. FAWCETT~21 Dipartimento di Ecologia e Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile;Università della Tuscia;Largo dell’Università s.n.c. 01100 Viterbo;Italy2 GRIP;Université de Montréal 3050;douard-Montpetit;MontréalCanada H3T 1J7