Developmental ecology of the American horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus
Mark L.BOTTON~;Richard A.TANKERSLEY~;Robert E.LOVELAND~ 1 Department of Natural Sciences;Fordham University;New York;NY 10023;USA 2 Department of Biological Sciences;Florida Institute of Technology;Melbourne;FL 32901;USA 3 Department of Ecology;Evolution;and Natural Resources;Rutgers University;New Brunswick;NJ 08901;USA
Circadian regulation of Limulus visual functions:A role for octopamine and cAMP
Jasbir S.DALAL~;Barbara-Anne BATTELLE~ 1 Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience and the Departments of Neuroscience and Biology;University of Florida;St. Augustine;FL 32080;USA 2 Department of Internal Medicine and Division of Human Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases;University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center;Dallas;TX 75390-8537;USA