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Current Zoology
2009 Issue 3
activity budgets in a group of sichuan snub-nosed monkeys in shennongjia nature reserve,china
Yiming LI Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology;Institute of Zoology;The Chinese Academy of Sciences;Datun Road;Chaoyang;Beijing 100101;China
prophylactic effect of vitamin e against hepatotoxicity,nephrotoxicity,haematological indices and histopathology induced by diazinon insecticide in mice
Nahla S.EL-SHENAWY;Rasha A.AL-EISA;Fawzia EL-SALMY;Omema SALAH Biology Department;Faculty of Science;Taif University;Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
are local plague endemicity and ecological characteristics of vectors and reservoirs related? a case study in north-east tanzania
Anne LAUDISOIT 1;2;Simon NEERINCKX 2;3;Rhodes H.MAKUNDI4;Herwig LEIRS 2;5;Boris R.KRASNOV 6 1.Zoogeographical Research Unit;University of Liège;B22 Boulevard du Rectorat 27;4000 Liège;Belgium2.Evolutionary Ecology Group;Department of Biology;University of Antwerpen;Groenenborgerlaan;171;2020 Antwerpen;Belgium3.Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences;Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Celestijnenlaan;200e bus 02411;3001 Heverlee;Belgium4.Pest Management Centre;Sokoine University of Agriculture;BP3110 Chuo kikuu;Morogoro;Tanzania5.Danish Pest Infestation Laboratory;Department of Integrated Pest Management;Faculty of Agricultural Sciences;University of Aarhus;2800 Kongens Lyngby;Denmark6.Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology;Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental Research;Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research;Ben-Gurion University of the Negev;Sede-Boqer Campus;84990 Midreshet Ben-Gurion;Israel
terrestrial behavior and use of forest strata in a group of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys rhinopithecus bieti at xiaochangdu,tibet
Zuofu XIANG 1;2;Sheng HUO3;Wen XIAO3;Ruichang QUAN4;Cyril C.GRUETER51.College of Life Science and Technology;Central South University of Forestry & Technology;Changsha 410004;Hunan;China2.Kunming Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Kunming 650223;Yunnan;China3.Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity Research;Dali University;Dali 671000;Yunnan;China4.Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden;Chinese Academy of Science;Mengla 666303;Yunnan;China5.Anthropological Institute;University of Zurich;8057 Zurich;Switzerland
do deposed adult male sichuan snub-nosed monkeys rhinopithecus roxellana roam as solitary bachelors or continue to interact with former band members?
Dapeng ZHAO;Baoguo LI College of Life Sciences;Northwest University;Xi'an 710069;China
dehydrolutein:a metabolically derived carotenoid never observed in raptors
David COSTANTINI 1;Vittorio BERTACCHE2;Barbara PASTURA2;Anthony TURK31.Ornis italica;Piazza Crati 15;00199 Roma;Italy 2.Istituto di Chimica Organica "Alessandro Marchesini";Università di Milano;Via Venezian 21;20133 Milano;Italy 3.Centre for Ecology & Hydrology;Monks Wood;Abbots Ripton;Huntingdon;Cambridgeshire PE28 2LS;UK
time budgets of tibetan eared pheasants during the non-breeding season in an alpine scrub habitat
Xin LU 1;Guangmei ZHENG2 1.Department of Zoology;College of Life Sciences;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;China2.Department of Ecology;College of Life Sciences;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
life cycle of craspedacusta sowerbyi xinyangensis
Shanliang XU 1;2;Danli WANG 1 1.Key Laboratory of Applied Marine Biotechnology;Ministry of Education;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;Zhejiang;China 2.Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology of Zhejiang;Ningbo 315211;Zhejiang;China
information for authors
patterns of ~(13) c and ~(15) n in wolverine gulo gulo tissues from the brooks range,alaska
Fredrik DALERUM 1;2;Anders ANGERBJRN3;Kyran KUNKEL 4;5;Brad S.SHULTS41.Mammal Research Institute;Department of Zoology and Entomology;University of Pretoria;0002 Pretoria;South Africa2.Centre for Wildlife Management;University of Pretoria;0002 Pretoria;South Africa3.Department of Zoology;Stockholm University;SE-106 91 Stockholm;Sweden4.U.S.National Park Service;Western Arctic National Parklands;P.O.Box 1029 Kotzebue;AK 99752;U.S.A.5.Present address:World Wildlife Fund;Gallatin Gateway;MT 59730;U.S.A.
age effect of deafening on stereotyped song maintenance in adult male bengalese finches lonchura striata domestica
Yingyu SUN 1a;Rui WANG 1a;Shuli SHAO2;Shaoju ZENG1;Mingxue ZUO 1 1. College of Life Sciences;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China2. Life Science and Engineering College;Qiqihar University;Qiqihar 161006;China