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Current Zoology
2004 Issue 6
introduction to plenary papers
Walter J.Bock; President 23rd International Ornithological Congress Special Editor;Plenary Lectures;Proceedings of the 23rd International Ornithological CongressRichard Schodde; General Editor;Proceedings of the 23rd International Ornithological Congress
Presidential address: three centuries of international ornithology
Walter J. BOCK* Department of Biological Sciences; Columbia University; 1200 Amsterdam Ave.; Mail Box 5521; New York; NY 10027; USA
The costs of immunity
Kirk C. KLASING Department of Animal Science; University of California; Davis; California 95616; USA
Arctic spring: the arrival biology of migrant birds
John C. WINGFIELD 1**;Noah OWEN-ASHLEY2; Z. Morgan BENOWITZ-FREDERICKS2; Sharon E. LYNN3; Thomas P. HAHN4; Haruka WADA5; Creagh BREUNER5; Simone L. MEDDLE6; L. Michael ROMERO7 1. Department of Zoology; Box 351800; University of Washington; Seattle; Washington 98195; USA 2. Department of Zoology; Box 351800; University of Washington; Seattle; Washington 98195; USA 3. Department of Biology; Colby College; 5720 Mayflower Hill; Waterville; Maine 04901; USA 4. Section of Neurobiology; Physiology and Behavior; University of California; Davis; California 95616; USA 5. Integrative Biology; Patterson Labs; Rm 141; University of Texas; Austin; Texas 78712; USA 6. Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology; School of Biomedical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences; University of Edinburgh; Hugh Robson Building; George Square; Edinburgh EH8 9XD; UK 7. Department of Biology; Tufts University; Medford; Massachusetts 02155; USA
Resource allocation and life history strategies in birds
Pat MONAGHAN* Environmental and Evolutionary Biology; Graham Kerr Building; University of Glasgow; Glasgow G12 8QQ; Scotland; UK
A basal archosaurian origin for birds
Larry D. MARTIN* Museum of Natural History and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Kansas; Lawrence; KS 66045; USA
Evolutionary dynamics of sympatric Darwin's finch populations in the Galápagos Archipelago
B.Rosemary GRANT ** Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Princeton University;Princeton;New Jersey 08544;USA
Bird flight
Ulla M.LINDHE NORBERG Department of Zoology;Zoomorphology;Gteborg University;Box 463;SE 405 30 Gteborg;Sweden
Birds as dinosaurs
Paul C. SERENO* Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy; and Committee on Evolutionary Biology; University of Chicago; 1027 East 57th Street; Chicago; Ill. 60637; USA
Mesozoic birds of China:an introduction and review
ZHOU Zhong-He **; ZHANG Fu-Cheng Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; P.O. Box 643; Beijing 100044; China
Adaptation of birds to life in high mountains in Eurasia
Roald L. POTAPOV Zoological Institute; Russian Academy of Sciences; St. Petersburg; Russia