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Current Zoology
2004 Issue 1
dong wu xue bao gao yue
Determination of daily food consumption in fish according to field sampling
GUO Xue-Wu 1** ;ZHANG Xiao-Ling 2;WAN Rui-Jing 1;JIANG Yan-Wei 1; TANG Qi-Sheng 1 1 Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute; Chinese Academy of Fishery Scienc es; Qingdao266071; Shandong;China2 Ocean College; Yantai University; Yantai264005;Shandong; China
Preliminary analysis on dissoluble protein of Ovomermis sinensis adults by 2-D PAGE
GAO Yuan;WANG Guo-Xiu ** ;CHEN Si-LiCollege of Life Sciences; Central China Normal University; Wuhan4300 79; China
Anti-predation vigilance of individual Tibetan eared pheasants temporarily separated from the flocks
LU Xin ** College of Life Sciences; Wuhan University; Wuhan430072; China
Sex-related differences in isozymic phenotypes in amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense
PANG Qiu-Xiang;ZHANG Shi-Cui ** ;WANG Chang-Fa;WANG Chang-Liu ;ZHANG Yong-ZhongDepartment of Marine Biology; Ocean University of China; Qingdao266003;Shando ng; China
The role of gp150 and analysis of the relationship between adhesion molecules during Dictyostelium discoideum development
HOU Lian-Sheng ** School of Life Science; East China Normal University; Shanghai200062; China
A density estimate of sika deer using distance sampling techniques in forested habitat
Yuchun LI 1** ; Masaaki KOGANEZAWA 2*** 1. Laboratory of Wildlife Management; Faculty of Agriculture; Ut sunomiya University; 350 Mine-machi; Utsunomiya; Tochigi Prefecture321-8505; Japan2. Utsunomiya University Forests; Faculty of Agriculture; Utsunomiya Univ ersity; 7556 Funyu; Shioya-machi;Shioya-gun; Tochigi Prefecture329-2441; Ja pan
Egg survival and hatchling traits of the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle Chinemys reevesii incubated in different hydric environments
DU Wei-Guo 1** ;ZHENG Rong-Quan 21. School of Life sciences; Hangzhou Normal College; Hangzhou310036; Zhejiang ; China2. College of Life and Environmental Sciences; Zhejiang Normal University; Jinhu a321004; Zhejiang; China
Measuring mitochondrial reactive oxygen species by a chemiluminescence method
ZHOU Zhi-BoZHONG Li-JunCHENG Shi ** Department of Biophysics; Health Science Center; Peking University;Beijing10 0083; China
Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of genomic DNA of the molt-inhibiting hormone 1 gene from Eriocheir japonica sinensis
SONG Xia;ZHOU Kai-Ya ** ;MA Chang-Yan Institute of Genetic Resources;College of Life Sciences;Nanjing Normal Univer sity;Nanjing210097;China
The expression of IL-1β in the uterus and placenta of pregnant rat and its regulation by human recombinant interferon gamma(hrIFN-γ)
XIA Hong-Fei 1;2 ;HAO Yan-Hong 2;PENG Jing-Pian 1** 1. Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology; Institute of Zoology; Chinese Academ y of Sciences; Beijing100080; China2. Department of Physiology; North East Agricultural University; Harbin150030 ; China
The mannose-binding lectin mRNA is expressed at high level in spleen and liver in adult grass carp
WU Chao;LU Cheng-Ping *College of Veterinary Medicine; Nanjing Agriclture University; Nanji ng210095; China
information for authors
Reintroduction of brown eared-pheasant Crossoptilon mantchuricum in Wutaish an Mountains of Shanxi, China
ZHANG Guo-Gang;ZHENG Guang-Mei ** ;ZHANG Zheng-WangMinistry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Sciences and Ecological E ngineering; College of Life Sciences; Beijing Normal University; Beijing100875 ; China
Delayed density-dependent effects and population fluctuations in the prairie vole Microtus ochrogaster
Lowell L. GETZ 1** ; Laura E. SIMMS 2; Joyce E. HOFMANN 3 ; Betty McGUIRE 41.Department of Animal Biology; University of Illinois; 505 S. Goodwin Ave.; Urb ana; IL61801; USA.2.Department of Physics; Augsburg College; 2211 Riverside Ave.; Minneapolis; MN 55406;USA.3.Illinois Natural History Survey; 607 E. Peabody Dr.; Champaign; IL81820;USA .4.Department of Biological Sciences; Smith College; Northampton; MA01063 USA.
Meiosis of XO Females in the mandarin vole Microtus mandarinus
ZHU Bi-Cai;ZHANG Zi-Feng;ZHANG Yong;GAO Jun-Fang;DONG Yu-Wei;HOU Jin-H ui Department of Biology; Xuzhou Normal University; Xuzhou221116; Jiangsu; China
Morphological and developmental characters at the early stages of the tonguefish Cynoglossus semilaevis
WAN Rui-Jing ** ;JIANG Yan-Wei;ZHUANG Zhi-Meng Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Marine Fishery Resources; Ministr y of Agriculture; Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute; Chinese Academy of Fi shery Sciences; Qingdao266071; Shandong; China
Effect of NO on the expression of VEGF and its receptors in mouse uterus during peri-implantation
ZHANG Xuan 1;WANG Hong-Mei 1;QIAN Dong 1;LIN Hai-Yan 1LIU Guo-Yi 1;2 ;LI Qing-Lei 1;ZHU Cheng 1** 1. State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology; Institute of Zoology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing100080; China2. Laboratory of Reproductive Endocrinology; Harbin Medical University; Harbin 150086; China
Consequences of inbreeding on the conditions necessary for balanced genetic polymorphisms in haplo-diploid populations
Thomas W. CHAPMAN ** School of Biological Sciences; Flinders University of South Australia;GPO Box 2100; Adelaide; SA5001; Australia
Dynamics of material and energy during incubation in the grass lizardsTakydromus septentrionalis
XU Xue-Feng ** ; WU Yi-Lian; ZHANG Jian-LongDepartment of Biochemistry; Chuzhou Normal College; Chuzhou239012; A nhui; China
Detection of stationary and moving targets under clutter interference by the big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus
Philip H -S.JEN ** ;Carl G. GOLDDivision of Biological Sciences and Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program; U niversity of Missouri-Columbia;Missouri; 65211-6190
Annual variation in gonads of male Chinese skinks Eumeces chinensis
HU Jian-Rao 1;2 ;DU Ji-Zeng 1;JI Xiang 2** 1. College of Life Sciences; Zhejiang University; Hangzhou310027; Ch ina2. School of Life Sciences; Hangzhou Normal College; Hangzhou310036; Chin a
Interactions between intruders and residents in the mole vole Ellobius talpinus
Eugene NOVIKOV 1;Dmitry PETROVSKI 1;Irene KOLOSOVA 1; Stephan STEINLECHNER 2; Mikhail MOSHKIN 1** 1.Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology; Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences;Frunze Street 11; 630091; Novosibirsk; Russia2. Department of Zoology; School of Veterinary Medicine; Hannover; Germany