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Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management
2016 Issue 3
Focusing on Opportunities and Challenges of Air Logistics under the Strategy of the Belt and Road
JIN Zhen;,ZHANG Zhi-hong;,DING San-duo;
zhi du bian qian yu jing ji zeng chang de shi zheng yan jiu
yu xin quan ;
he nan sheng wen hua chan ye fa zhan de zhu yao wen ti ji qi zhi heng yin su
wang zhi biao ;, yang pan pan ;
jiang xi sheng gao deng gong cheng jiao yu yu chan ye fa zhan de zuo he guan xi
sun xue min ;, wang cui huan ;
Chinese Crowdfunding: Status, Hotspots and Prospects
WU Bing-bing;
xin xi dong tai
Empirical Analysis of Urban Property Income
WANG Yue-xia;
Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Based on Incremental Updating
FANG Fang;,YAN Ke-wen;
zhong xiao qi ye wu liu wai bao feng xian yin su jie xi
di rong bing ;