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Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management
2011 Issue 5
A Literature Review on the Influence of Product Placement on Consumer Behavior
chen cui ; song si gen
sheng chan zhong xin xu ni xian shi shi yan shi
Innovation and Creativity Under Distributed Innovation Environment
luo jian yuan ; liu guo xin
zi zu zhi li lun shi jiao xia xue xi xing zu zhi jian she
zhou peng cheng
xin shi qi nong cun fu pin zhong de zheng fu xing wei tan tao
zhang xin wen ; wu de jiang
guang zhou shi she hui cong ye ren yuan gui mo yu ce 2011 2015 nian
su ming ; pu huo yuan
Research on the Cost Management of High-Tech Enterprises
han jun hua
Henan Services′ Development Status and Choice of Key Sections
wang quan quan
yin ru nei sheng yin su de huo bi cheng shu lun tan jiu
zhang yang
Study on the Factors Related to the Industry Train Development
cao xue qin ; zhang shao le
kong bu zhu yi huo dong dui wo guo ru jing lv you de ying xiang ji dui ce
ye chen zuo ; xu shao li
Research Review on Social Security Rights
fu long fei
Study on Life Style and its Factors of Youth Staff with Multi-national Companies
cai xi qing ; wang tie shan ; hu xiao bing
hang kong cai liao zhong dian shi yan shi