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Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management
2011 Issue 2
The Global Perspectives on Real Property Tax Reform
xiao fei zhe nei yin ren zhi yan jiu shu ping
li wan lian ; song si gen ; ren ling yu
lun jing ji xue zhong " fei li xing ren " de hui gui
wang zhen hui
The RMB Exchange Rate System: A Review of Literatures
CAO Jing
Improvement and Alteration Research of Mountain Boutique Scenery Area
WEI Yan;LIU Cai-ling
mei guo da xue ping gu de te se yu qi shi
liu huan cheng ; peng xue hua
Empirical Analysis Of The Industrial Restructuring
LIU Xin;XU Sheng-dao
On the Service Consciousness in Tourism Industry
JI Xi-ping;FANG Bai-shou
A Pricing Game Analysis Based on Hotelling Model in Duopoly Market Fuzhou University
ZHUO Lian-mei;CHEN Zhang-wang;JIA Lin
Innovation Capital, Economy Crisis and Industry Evolution
LIU Jian-li;YANG Si-yan
Analysis on Capital Structure of Listed Companies on the GEM in China
ZHOU Jian-fei;ZHANG Hua
On Framework of Technological Knowledge Integration in Distributed Innovation
LIU Guo-xin;LI Da-shui;LUO Jian-yuan
Board Characteristics and Firm Financial Performance
XIE Hai-yang
Financial Governance of Folk Non - profit Organizations
he nan sheng dui wai lao wu he gong cheng cheng bao de si kao yu jian yi
sun heng you ; li wei ; xu shi yu ; hao hong jun