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Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management
2010 Issue 5
qi ye jia bao chou yan jiu ping shu
yuan an fu ; ren guo liang
Adam Smith\'s Happiness and Harmony Ideology
he jin she
gong ying lian jin rong ye wu de xin yong feng xian ping jia xi tong she ji
zuo zuo ; pan shu juan
jiang su sheng fu wu ye ti gao fdi jing ji xiao yi de dui ce jian yi
bo sheng juan ; zhou hua qin
A Study on Effect of Dual-Structure in the Change of Energy Consumption Per Unit GDP
tian zhi yong ; wang si qiang ; liu bing wu ; huo ling zuo
On the TC Control of Real Estate Enterprises
chen shao ke
"qi hou bian hua " bei hou de jing ji bo zuo
wang li he ; gong han yu ; li xi
cheng shi qun zheng he de li lun shen shi
tong zhong xian
he wu bang zi zhu chuang xin qu zhan lue xing xin xing chan ye fa zhan yan jiu
zhao shuang lin ; zhu dao cai ; zhang xiu rong
zheng fu tou rong zi ti zhi cun zai de wen ti yu dui ce
cheng gong
The Influence of Internet Reference Group on the Buying Decision of University Student
sheng min ; lu xiao xia ; qin xiao min
"Two invisible hands" and their mutual relations
li hui ; chen cheng ming