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Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management
2006 Issue 1
Strategic Choice of the Rise of Central Region of China
GUO Hui-dong
Marx:On the International Value
Research on Model of OCSI
REN Kun-xiu
Measures to Promote CPA Liability Insurance in China
WANG Bao-qing
Study on Going-concern Uncertainty Prediction Based on Three-factor Model
FANG Jun-xiong;ZHANG Guo-kang
Probe into the IT Audit of Software Epiboly
Outside Directors and Audit Opinion
CHEN Xiao-lin
Study on the Institutional Defects of Chinese Social Security Funds
YANG Tian-yu;HE Qing-hong
The Conception of Rank-weighted Compound Evaluation Model
ZHANG Jun-ling
Strategy Choice of the Three-way Duel
SONG Li-min;ZHOU Xiu-rong
Analysis on High-performance Government
LIU Hua-tao
E-government and Customer Relationship Management
LU Jing-yun;WANG Yong-cheng;LIU Cheng-xin