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Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
2001 Issue 3
On Women's Status in WeStern- Hah Dynasty
gao ying fei ; gao wei jie
Writing an English Abstract for a Research Paper
wang zhi wei
A Tentative Exploration the Experiment Teaching for Qualities Education
jia geng xin ; huang jun jie
The Negative Effect of the Internet on College Students and the Countermeasures
liu hui zuo ; cheng xiang xi
The Internet and Traditional Media
zhang yong
Euphemism in English
xu jin feng
Knowledge Management in a Library
wang jun lin
Incorporate Cultural Quality Education with College Chinese Teaching
zuo jin li ; yue yin fang
A CAI Courseware on Teaching Management and Test of Circuit Experiment Course
yang yu xia ; zhang yu zheng ; liao xiao hui
An Analysis of the Concept and Definition of the Basic Parameters of Materials
chen shao wei ; li mei hua
Experiment Teaching in Colleges of Technology with Its Expansion
yang li zuo ; chen gen yong ; bao yi ; wan ping
Goal Administration of University Operation Management
liu yan min
A Psychological Analysis of Leadership Models
wu ai min
Some Random Thoughts about Real Estate Credit
yu shu juan ; jia hong qin
ADR: A Shortcut to the U.S. Capital Market
chen li ; chen xiang
Change in Moral Education: Demands of Social Reforms
ma yan fang