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Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music
2005 Issue 2
The Second Korea-Sino Buddhistic Music Conference:A Repon
BAO Darhan
Innate Talents:Reality or Myth?(Ⅱ)
mai ke er j a hao ; jian w dai wei sen ; yue han a si luo bo da ; jiang cun mei
Bebop:The Beginning of America's Modern Jazz
ZHANG Le-xin
Out of the Shadow of the Western Music:A Dialogue(I)
LI Xi-an;QU Xiao-song
Globalization and Chinese Literature and Art
CHOU Wen-chung
Further Understanding of the Coals in Vocal Skills Training
DENG Xiao-ying
The Aural Ability of the String Ensemble Players:An Analysis
ZHAO Hai-ying